Day 1 - The Beginning

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There has been 14 years. Of hate, pain, suffering, and love. Now, there is only one thing on your mind. To find the one person you have continued to love, and his dearly… It has been a long journey… you have searched for 8 years… you feel that you are getting closer and closer… soon… you will find him.

You land in a town… the town of Mongolia.

“Here we are Yoru!” Yoru looks at you, with his big, yellow, buttons that gleamed in the sunshine. “Mya? Already?” He gets on your back. “Lets fly Yoru!” Yoru spreads his wings, and you two soon soar into the sky, and absorb the sunshine. You both soon make it. You both have landed safely.

Hi! My name is Taka Kazami. I am traveling with my best friend Yoru. I am 14 years old… well, sort of. I was frozen for 8 years, when I turned 6. But back then, there was a different person, in which I am searching for right now. The story you are reading, in the story of my life. Of how I have lost, and found my true love. Many years have passed with trials… I have lost my parents at a very young age. I was only 2 years old. Someone came and killed my family. My father, older sister, and pregnant mother, while she was baring my unborn baby brother. I was lucky that I ran away. Then, a dragon found me, and raised me as his own. He was a Water Dragon. He taught me Dragon Slayer Magic. But 2 years later, one day he disappeared. I was all alone… once again. I found another dragon. His name was Igneel. He took me to a long plain, and soon flew off into the sky. A few moments later, a boy with pink, spiky hair showed up crying. He ran to you. “Where is Igneel?!” asking like as you had a clue. He ran into a cave, and he packed his things. “Lets go!” He grabbed your hand, and you both ran into the sun, to go look for the missing dragons. You both became best friend real quick, and spent time together, for sadly, only 2 years. The last day you were both together, it was on a beach. A storm was going on. A huge wave came over you both, with more huge waves coming on top of you both.

You saved Natsu’s life, but couldn’t save yourself… or so you thought at the moment. You froze yourself, but the effects wore off… 8 years later… And I have traveled alone, since then… for 3 months, But then… I found someone... I found my best friend alone, and abandoned. I raised him, and named him Yoru. Since then, we traveled together… for as long as it took. Then, when I turned 14, and came across the town of Magnolia. I heard form people, and stories of a Pink haired boy, with a scaly white scarf… I traveled to Magnolia, as soon as I heard those rumors… And here I am…

“Ok… I heard that this place has a great guild hall, called Fairy Tail. Lets check it out, by tomorrow. Ok, Yoru?” “Mya!” He replies with a smile. You both go look for a place to live in. Soon, you find a great spot. Right in front of a river! ‘Perfect! To practice my magic…’ You thought. The building was 2 stories tall, 2 rooms, 1 master bedroom with a personal bedroom… stairs though… and a huge kitchen!!! ‘This place is perfect!’ You took it for a perfect price… 70,000J.

Then you both settled in. You both took out all the furniture out of your universal bag. It can hold almost anything! It held your bed and couch in it… Once you both made your house comfortable in the way you wanted it to be, you both went out, to go check out the city. Its so big, and pretty! After traveling for so long, its nice to see a city. You both stumble upon a place, which had a fountain in the middle. It was nearly empty. Not much a crowd.  Seeing the fountain, with water so pure and clean… you remembered the person that you have loved for so long. You remember his voice… “Don’t worry Taka… We’ll be together forever…”

Then, you hear someone. ‘Someone’s coming...’ you think, since you hear voices coming along, from the other side of the fountain. You look. Then you gasp, surprised to see someone… It was a tall young man, with lightly tanned skin, and Pink spiky hair… with a white, scaly scarf… with a blue cat… You listen to they’re conversation.

“ I don’t know Happy. I really prefer meat, more than fish…” “Aye.” They blue creature said. And then, a word escaped your lips… “Natsu?” A tear is shed from your eyes, then the boy proceeded to glance and you, and smile at you. Your knees shake, and you fall to the floor. The boy came over, to help you up. “Are you ok?” You just looked into his eyes.

“N…n…” “Hmm?” he looked confused, as he held you. “Natsu…” He looked at you surprised. “How do you know my name?” You didn’t answer… You just began to pour out tears, and hug him, with your head resting on his chest. “I… I looked everywhere for you! Natsu! I missed you so much!” you proceeded to cry in his arms. He didn’t understand what was going on, but he hugged you anyways.

“Do you remember me at all, Natsu?” You finally said, while looking into his eyes… He stood there, and took a long good look. “At all? Natsu-nii?” His eyes then widened, then he answered “Taka? Is that you?” You couldn’t help but to smile, while you were crying, and you hugged him, once more. “Natsu!” You held him tight. You found your love, once again.

You both went to sit on the fountain’s barrier. “I haven’t seen you, for so many years… how are you here? I thought you were dead…” “That’s the funny thing Natsu… I can’t die in water… I’m the water dragon slayer… remember?” “Oh, that’s right…” “So… where are you staying?” “Uh, well, Natsu, I have someone I want you to meet.” Yoru introduced himself, and he met Happy as well. “So, I guess, you have an exceed too? Whats his name?” you ask. “Aye! I’m Happy!” You smile to the little furry cat.

“I stay in a big nice apartment. Funny. I just came to Magnolia… and I already found a nice place. 70,000J.” You both talked and talked for the whole day. The sun was coming down (almost sunset), and you both grew hungry. You found out why Natsu hasn’t aged at all, and he asked you the same thing. You were both frozen for about 7 years… ‘Wow… Thank god… Natsu is so freakin HOT‘ “Natsu, wanna go back to my place? I’ll cook you a nice dinner, if you go with me to the store.” “Sure! I loved your cooking. Lets see how you have improved.” “Yeah…”

He stood up, and began to walk to the store, but he started to walk away, since you couldn’t move… “Natsu-nii…” he turned back. “What is it?…” You blush hard… and you don’t know how to ask him… “can i…” “come on! Say it…” “Can I hold your hand again? Like we used to? When we were kids?” Natsu looked at you, and blushed a little. He held out his hand. I went out and grabbed it. It made him blush even more.

You both walked side-to-side once again… you felt in love even more at the moment. You wondered of when was a good time to confess your undying love. But, the time wasn’t right. So you decided to wait. [I’m letting the reader know, that Taka doesn’t confess until a year later, when she almost dies… but that’s way later on…]

After the store, you all went to your place, and you fixed Natsu a big, nice dinner. He was amazed of your cooking being improved. He thanked you for the meal, and you walked him to the door. “Thanks for coming Natsu. I’m so happy I found you…Natsu-nii. Natsu stepped down, and he almost spoke, but then you tripped, and landed on Natsu… You open your eyes, and see that you landed on his chest, with his hands holding you. You look to see his face. “Natsu! Are you ok?”

“Ow…” You helped him stand up. “I’m sorry Natsu…” “It’s ok.” You embarrass yourself, and you can’t help but to blush. “Ok… Promise to take me to Fairy Tail tomorrow?” “I promise. I told you already!” “Pinky promise it!” Natsu sighs. “Fine.” You pinky promise to Natsu. “Now remember Natsu, the thing about pinky promises… is that if you break the promise, I get to cut off your pinky…” “Hey! I already know that rule! And I already promised!” You smile.” Good night Natsu.” You say to him, as you hug him for the last time. And with that, Natsu and Happy walked away into the night, and you watched them, until you couldn’t even see them. You shed one more tear. “I found you…” you say softly, before you go into your house to sleep blissfully, now you have found your lost love… and you sleep, with him in your dreams…


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