01| he is arrogant

Start from the beginning

She sighed deeply as she pushed open the door. She was screwed. He specifically ordered her to come early to pick up and that he feels sleepy till she comes and that disrupts his sleep. She urgently rang the bell highly anticipating to get hit by a doll or something as soon as the door opens. Her wait was over as the door cracked open. She looked around for him but no one was visible to her. Did he leave ? Her hands started shaking and tears were threatening to spill.


She wondered who opened the door and looked at all directions. She almost jumped when she heard a voice all of a sudden.

"I won't speak with you. She are a cheatel." The voice said and it did'nt take a genius to find out that:

"Harry? where are you?" She asked, her voice shaking with fear as she surveyed the place, worry written all over her face.

"Go Mumma, I won't come with you." Said Harry in his slurried speech still hiding safely away from his mum.

"Hardik ! I'm sorry sweetheart, please come out....wherever you are, don't frighten Mumma" Nandini rasped as she searched for him every nook and corner in the verandah and the hall.

"Plomise me that you will come eally from tomollow" Hardik whispered silently still standing in his place watching his mumma from the corner of his eye.

"Promise ! Anything for you honey."

"Okay, I am coming out" the door moved a little and came a wonderful small toddler with a huge grin in his face. Nandini gasped as her son swiftly moved to her with a proud smile on finding a new hiding place from his mum.

"New place again? Bad boy Harry" Nandini mock-glared at him placing her hands on her hips. Harry's smile instantly vanished replaced by a frown.

"I'm solly mumma...I was feeling very alone-alone in his big home. All my fliends went with their mumma. I feel tiled waiting fol my mumma, So I stalted to sealch new hiding places."He said in his cute baby tone and pursued his lips. Nandini's anger instantly went away as she heard her boy speak. He was everything to her, even a small scratch in his arm caused her so much pain. He was her priceless treasure and he was what mattered her the most. Hardik was her heart and soul. She survived for him, her boy.

"So you will not hid and frighten mumma, Promise?" She leaned to his height and put forth her petite palm before him.

"Plomise" replied the adorable baby flashing a charming smile to his mother and placed his miniature palm above her's. Nandini smiled tenderly at him and scooped him in her arms, gently tickling him in his belly making him laugh.

 Nandini smiled tenderly at him and scooped him in her arms, gently tickling him in his belly making him laugh

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(Hardik-- Harry )

"Nandini ?" A voice spoke.

Nandini turned to face the owner of the voice and her lips moulding into a beautiful grin. Standing before her was a beautiful lady, might be around 20-25 years old wearing her peach coloured nightgown and her braided hair swaying in the wind.

"Navya !" She squealed in joy seeing her best friend and quickly made steps to her. Navya was next to Hardik, she was her moral support. She has been with Nandini through thick and thin, in the times when Nandini was jobless and with a responsibility of a year old Harry. She helped with her during the times when Nandini was roaming around the city in search of job with not a penny in her pocket. She cried with her in younger teenage years when her parents died in a car accident with Nandini being only 15 years old. She joined a part time jobs to help Nandini raise Harry. They both were soul sisters and nothing in the world was powerful enough to break their bond. Currently she ran a playschool and day care centre which Harry was a part of; much to Nandini's relief as she calmed herself that her kid is in safe hands.

"How was the day ?" Navya chirped as she started tickling Hardik making him giggle with glee.

"Tiresome" She leaned over her shoulder, patting Hardik head as she giggled hysterically.

"Why? Any problem?" At this Nandini returned back to her position. She furrowed her brows, her face now holding some sort of a serious expression.

"Yea....No... I mean, it is not a problem but it might become one in future" She stared at the ceiling imagining the outcome in the wide white expanse of it as if it is a white screen and she is the projector playing the future of her company's plan.

"You can share it with me if you are comfortable" Navya offered and she
hesitantly nodded her head.

"So listen..."


"Sir.. I have spoken to Mr. Randhawa and he is scheduling the meeting for this Wednesday."

"You mean day after tomorrow ? But I guess he was unable for a week" Manik shot his eyebrows and looked at his P.A. who seemed equally confused.

"I was even lagging in those lines Sir. But, I didn't move to question him as he has already insulted me of poking my nose in his affairs." A flicker of hurt flashed through Jatin's face as he said that.

"I understand Mr. Jatin," Manik walked to his desk in a slowly, his mind deciphering the situation and trying to derive a conclusion. What is he doing to him, Trust or Treachery ? "But, his moves and actions are forcing me to think, I feel he is up with some evil idea in his sleeve." He took hold of a pen, swirling it devilishly and quickly averted his gaze to his P.A. "And... I suppose you are not with him. Right ?"

Jatin's looked at him with horror,"Manik ! How dare---" he stopped abruptly as Manik shoot him a cold look."Uh-- I-- I mean Mr. Malhotra, I am always by your side and I have always been, it is no point in suspecting me. What would I get by drowning your company ?" He muttered, making sure his voice was polite. The look in Manik's face softened and he seemed quite satisfied with his statement.

"I trust you Mr. Jatin, please make sure we keep the same thing between us, because I cannot tolerate disloyalty and the if anybody acknowledges that I'm afraid I will hack them to death." Jatin shivered as Manik spat the words back to him in a dangerously venomous tone and he waited no more a second. He placed the stack of files carefully in his desk and paced out of his room.

"Mr. Aditya Randhawa..." Manik smirked as he glanced at a picture of him in his phone. "You think you are more clever and talented than me, huh? You think you can turn the tables and win the bait but, you forgot that until Manik Malhotra is in his world, no bloody person can oushine him." He muttered in a frosty tone as he stared intently at him." No One !" He howled and filled the air with his delirious laughters which echoed through the building.


{A/N:- Hola ! I am very much warmed up recieving such a cool response from you guys, thank you so much<3!. you guys are awesome :)

okay, so let me know your views about this chapter.) What do you expect ?

Will Manik win the bait with his arrogant and dominating nature ?

or, Will his opponent shut his commanding and disrespectful mouth by winning the game ?

if you have any doubts regarding the chapter do let it in my notice, I will clarify the same.}

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