Chapter One-Amber 20yrs Old

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Earned it- The Weekend blasts loudly as my phone rings, I groan as I pull the quilt down from over me. "Who the fuck is ringing me?" I moan. By the time I reach for it, it stops ringing—I look at it Eva I see it's not even 8 o'clock yet. "Fuck me, is she trying to kill me waking me up this early?" I moan.

I sit up, stretching my arms over my head and get out of bed. Making my way down stairs mum's in the living room watching Lorraine on ITV. She looks up at me her eyes going wide in surprise. "What the fuck? You shit the bed or something?" She teases.

I pull my tongue out at her. "Ha, funny you mum" I say sarcastically. "No, Eva rang me, but hung up as I went to answer it, the cow should of known I'd be in bed" I moan as slump myself down on the couch next to her.

"You should be up already anyway, you. Haven't you got clients today?" She asks.

"Yeah, but not until later, and it's only one client—I could of had a decent sleep in there aswell!" I groan .

Mum tuts. "Oh stop your moaning, you can do your mother's hair then, seen as though you're awake, mama needs her roots doing" she tells me.

"Fucking hell mum, let me wake up properly will ya?" I moan at her.

"How you're 20yrs old I don't know? When I was your—" she goes to tell me.

"When I was YOUR age I—Blah Blah Blahed" I mimic her voice teasing her. "I know mother—I know all about your stories, I don't need a refresh" I joke.

"Eh, less of the attitude you" mum scolds me.

"Am joking with you ma, jeez. Let me just go get my shit and I'll start on you then, ok?" I tell her. By the time I've set up, mixed the dyes up ready and put the foils in mum's hair—it's 12 o'clock. I decide to text my girl Eva, see what she could possibly want me for—ringing my arse so early.

Me: Sup bitch,the fuck you ringing me at the arse crack of dawn for? Xx"

My phone rings. Eva flashes on the screen and I answer instantly grinning mischievously. "What up daaaaawwwwl" I do in that whiney voice I know she hates, we first heard it on that singer Ciara's song 'my goodies' she legit cringed hearing it. "Urrgh, don't do that fuckin voice amber. You know I hate it" she groans.

I chuckle at her, I love this girl. I decide to use one of my favourite quotes from the film Friday, I fucking love that film. "Awwww am sorry boo, you know I luuuuurves yo momma" I tell her in a high squeaky voice.

I hear her groan. "Amber, have you been watching Friday again?" She asks. I chuckle to myself cos my girl knows me inside and out—well almost, but I block that out. I laugh. "Girl,you know I love watching ice cube and Chris tucker—they's funny as" I tell her.

I do, I love them funny fucker's and if your arse hasn't watched Friday before, y'all are missing out. I've made Eva watch it god knows how many times, she pretends that it gets boring after the 3rd/4th time of watching it. But it doesn't stop her from laughing her arse off.

"Yes, I know they are babe—but leave the funny quotes to them, yeah?" She teases me. She's snickering and she know's I can hear her. Bitch!

"Bitch please, am just as funny as them two. Now tell me why the fuck were you ringing me at the arse crack-a dawn for hmmm? Cos I know you ain't adopted a cockerel or something" I tease.

She scoffs. "Well, for one. It wasn't the arse crack-a dawn as you put it, it was nearly 8 o'clock lazy arse. Anyway, remember when I told you the school was having special visitors today? And I had to be in for 8 o'clock to set up an shit?" She asks me.

Amber & Her Baller  (Book Two Of The "And Her" Series) (UNEDITED) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now