Chapter 4

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Serena's POV

God, save me.

Newbie actually thinks that we're friends.

I literally had to tell her to leave of.

Well, I may have use a slightly different word, with four letters, that started with 'f', in the place of 'leave'.

In every single class, I had to sit with her. She was in exactly the same classes as me, for crying out loud!

So, apparently, because the teachers had us sitting together for absolutely everything, I was now best friends with Newbie.

I don't have friends.

She's just so stupid! Well, most people are. But, most people managed to put the copper into the nitric acid, rather than pouring nitric acid into hydrazine.

What happens when you mix nitric acid and hydrazine?


It was a few weeks into term - and, of course, we were lab partners in science.

And, she was awful at Chemistry.

My favourite science was Biology, but it's slightly easy to distinguish between a copper coin and a tube of clear liquid.

But, apparently it wasn't for Newbie.

Because she went and exploded the test tube, and burned the table.

Luckily, our lab jackets were fireproof, but that was pure luck. The explosion/ignition was only small - luckily.

And that wasn't even the worst part.

The worst part wasn't even in Chemistry.

It was later on - in Biology, last period.

'I would like you to work on a project, due in four weeks. You are to analyse a sample of cells from any animal - you can take samples from the supplies here, at school, or, if you have access at home, that's fine.'

I usually wouldn't mind a project like this - I could just go to the hospital and looks at some random cells that Molly gave me.

But, the worst part was...

'You will work in pairs, with your lab partner.'

After the lesson, before going home, I cornered Newbie.

'I'm doing the project.' I told her bluntly.

'It's a joint project.' She sounded hurt, for some reason - I didn't care.

'Well, I'll do it, and you can just... Put your name on it.'

'No, we're doing it together.' She sounded determined - but she wouldn't hold up. I could see it in her easily.

'You know what? Fine.' I wanted to see how long she would last, though. 'In three weeks, on the Saturday, you can come to mine, and we'll do the project.'

'But, isn't that a bit last-minute?' She complained.

'It's then or never.'

Newbie looked hurt, but she didn't bother arguing. She had stopped following me to the music rooms at the start of the day, and she had stopped following me around at break times, but she still pretended we were best friends during lesson. 'Fine.' She tried to sound strong, or whatever, but it didn't work.

I turned and walked off.

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