Chapter 29: Overwhelmed

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Vitani sat on a rock with a deep scowl on her face. Kopa was playing in the waterhole meters in front of her. She looked down at him with heavy thoughts.

Kopa was supposed to be her enemy. Vitani knew too well that Zira would kill her for making such an illegal move and helping the enemy.

Personally, Vitani was unsure whether she wanted to stay with the Pridelanders or not. Of course, her former life in the Outlands was terrible. But it all just seemed wrong. And yet, Vitani wanted so bad for it to feel right.

" Vitani? Don't you want to go for a swim?" Nala's voice brought Vitani out of her thoughts.

The Queen was laying a few feet away from Vitani. Her bright blue eyes burned into the tawny cub. Vitani looked away, trying her best to avoid eye contact.

" Vitani?" Nala tried to get her attention.

Nala sighed and looked at Kopa, who was swimming after fish and giggling away. She returned her gaze to Vitani.

" It's okay, Vitani. You won't get abused in this family. You're allowed to speak," Nala tried.

Vitani slowly turned her head toward Nala with a tearful gaze. She was feeling too many emotions, and needed to release them. Nala opened her mouth to speak but was stopped when Vitani stood and bolted away.

Nala stood up immediately and looked after the fleeing cub. She was relieved to find her running back toward Pride Rock, and not the Outlands. Nala lay back down and figured Vitani just needed some alone time. The Queen continued to watch Kopa with concern in her heart for Vitani.

Vitani was running. She was running with tears streaming down her cheeks. For what reason, she didn't know. All she knew was that there were too many emotions being held back, and they needed to be freed.

Vitani wanted so badly to bolt back to the Outlands when she took off, but instead found herself running back to Pride Rock. She couldn't bring herself to return home, knowing that Zira would just scold her, or worse.

Vitani couldn't think straight, but her heart was heavy with dread and fear. Her mother wasn't even around to discipline her, yet she was still terrified.

When Zira was around Vitani found it easy to ignore her own emotions. But with her mother not around, everything that was held back came crashing down on Vitani. All the previously ignored emotions and thoughts were haunting her.

Vitani didn't know why she was suddenly overwhelmed. Perhaps it was the environmental changes. Maybe it was the aiding of Kopa's escape.

Vitani eventually found herself stuck outside of the Pridelander' den. Simba had no idea she was there, but just his presence prevented her from entering. So, Vitani just collapsed next to the entrance, out of everyone's sight. She cried and let everything out. She didn't want anyone to see her crying.

After many minutes of nonstop giggling, Kopa finally noticed that Vitani was no longer with him and his mother. He stepped out of the water and curiously looked at Nala.

" Mom? Where'd Vitani go?"

Nala frowned," She went back to Pride Rock."

Kopa titled his head," Why?"

" I don't know. I'm assuming she wanted to be alone," Nala shrugged.

Kopa took a couple nervous steps toward Pride Rock.

" But Dad is there! He might hurt her!"

Without hesitation, Kopa bolted toward Pride Rock, leaving Nala trudging sadly after him.

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