Don't forget to knock

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I awoke to the sound of a deep cough. I opened my eyes to see the Beast standing in front of me. "Hayley you're late to breakfast" I looked at him in frustration. "I thought I only had to eat dinner with you?" "I changed my mind" I shook my head "well sorry I couldn't read your mind I was tired and what are doing just coming into my room like this without knocking?"

"It's my castle I don't need to knock" I looked at him displeased. Then I thought maybe I should embarrass him. "What if I was changing?" He looked at me with wide eyes "I'm pretty good with timing I don't think that'll happen"

Next time I'll make sure I'm changing just to prove him wrong and to teach him some manners. "We'll see about that I hope your right" "Get ready I'll see you down at breakfast in ten minutes or else" he slammed the door behind him.

I liked his dominance over me it was kinda sexy. What am I thinking stop it Hayley I need to get ready but then I thought this makes it the perfect opportunity to teach him to knock. I got up did my hair and make up. I looked at the time if I wasn't down in one minute I would be late. I smiled and slowly undressed myself.

I put on a fresh pair of panties when I heard him coming up the stairs. I made sure not to have a bra on just to make it seem more dramatic plus I kinda want him to see me naked. I shook my head no I turned my back to the door so he couldn't see my breast just my back.

That's when he barged through my door.


She was late I became angry what did I tell her why can't she listen. I ran on all fours up her stairs and burst through her door. "WHY AREN'T YOU DONE YE-" My eyes widened their she was standing in the middle of the room with her back to me almost completely naked. My eyes roamed her body she was stunning with her perfect hourglass figure and not to mention her plump ass, too bad that was covered by her panties.

I wish she would turn around to let me see the rest of her. "What the hell I thought you had perfect timing?" Her voice brought me back. "I um I.." I was at a loss for words. "Could you please give me a minute to put on a dress I'll be down their soon" I nodded my head and closed the door.

I leaned on her door still not believing what I just saw. I felt a bit of pain in my pants I looked down and sure enough their was a bulge. God damn it I was gonna have to hide it for breakfast until I could go take a cold shower. I walked down the stairs and sat at the table pushing my chair in as far as I could go so she wouldn't be able to see my pants. This time I was gonna let her take her time...


I smiled as he closed the door. His face when he opened that door was priceless. He was so embarrassed but I'm sure he won't be barging into my room anymore and don't think I didn't notice his little friend down there. Looks like I might've aroused him a bit. I laughed at the thought.

Okay now to pick a dress I looked through the wardrobe and decided on a long pink dress. It had no sleeves but the fabric was comfortable it stuck to my body showing off my curves but showed no cleavage to keep things more proper.

I walked downstairs to the table where I saw Beast already sitting. I smiled at him and sat at the other end with the plates all set up. I would've sat next to him but their wasn't a chair nor plates set up so I'm guessing he likes his guest to keep their distance from him.

"Well good morning Beast" "Good morning Hayley" he said awkwardly. I looked over at him and chuckled "so you think you're gonna knock next time?" He looked at me embarrassed "from now on yes" "good" we continued to eat in silence.


She looked gorgeous in that dress. I wish she would sit closer to me. I still couldn't get her image out of my head and my dick wasn't helping either since it's still not down yet I don't know how I was suppose to get up from the table without her noticing it.

I finished my food before her so I decided to go take my cold shower I pulled my cape over my dick and left the table to my room. I quickly closed the door and went over to my bathroom I turned on the cold shower this was gonna suck I hate cold showers. I removed my pants along with my cape and stepped in.

God it was freezing even with all my fur I couldn't keep warm. I waited a long time before it finally went down. Once it did I jumped out and shook myself splashing water every where but it dries me off faster to do this even though I feel like a dog when I do so. I put my pants back on along with my cape and went out onto my balcony where my rose was.

A few petals have already fallen and shriveled away. I was losing a bit of hope, it was one thing to turn me into a Beast I deserved that but why my staff? If I could just save them it would be worth it. I thought about Hayley again she was my only hope at this point I still don't think she could ever love me but she's only known me for a day. I don't think my personality will make up for my looks though I was hideous.

But love takes time and I don't think I'll have enough time with her before the rose dies. I wonder what she thinks of me considering she's not scared of me at all I wonder why?

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