Lock the doors

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Jake POV

My Babies. They were born today. I can't wait for my future. I'm going to propose to erika. Her dad didn't even think about it. He said yes. I'm so excited. After a while we took Tatum and Oakley home.

Erika: WERE HOME!!!

Team ten: They are so cute!!!!!!!!!

Chance: Hey guys sorry for breaking this be we need to have a meeting right now.

Jake: ok.

Erika: I will just bring the babies.

At the meeting

Chance: Ok , um they are releasing Anthony.

Jake: WHAT!!!

Chance: I got to talk to him on the phone and he said he is going to kill the babies.

Erika: How does he even know about the babies?

Chance: Alissa told him. She saw on you jakes Instagram that you guys were having twins.

Tessa: Alissa visited him? I'm so scared for his release.

Nick: Why?

Tessa: Only Chance knows this. So on my birthday party, Anthony was very very drunk.
An he raped me. He told me that if I didn't break up with Chance he would kill me and Chance.

Erika: OMG I'm so so sorry.

Tessa started crying.

Tessa: There is nothing to be sorry about.

Chance started to comfort Tessa.

Jake: Did you tell the cops?

Chance: She did.

Nick: Good.

Emilio: Did you guys press charges on him.

Jake: Yeah.

Tessa: Yup.

Jake: I just got a text from the jail. He is out.

Kade: You should probably talk to him.

Jake: He is calling me right now.

Chad: Answer then.

On the phone

Jake: Hello?

Anthony: Jake , I'm coming for you and Erika and your kids. Bye.

Anthony hangs up.

Jake: Well he is out. We need to get out of here. We should go to Ohio for the rest of the month.

Team ten: Let's pack are bags.

Erika: All of you want to go to Ohio?

Team ten: Yup.

Jake: Ok I will book our flights we leave in a hour.

Thank you so so so so much for 1k reads next story coming tomorrow

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