Chapter Eight

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Ryuto walked into his dreadful house to hear his father yelling. He looked up and saw his father slap his mother so hard, the impact caused her to fall to the ground, screaming and crying. "Reck...! How could you?!" She cried and cried.

By this point in time, Ryuto was boiling with furious rage at his father, Reck Faite. The anger only grew when he saw his mother laying in the floor, holding her bruised and tear-covered cheek.

This was it. This went too far. Ryuto could put up with Reck hitting and kicking at him, but slapping his mother was a hundred miles on the other side of the line.

Ryuto threw his bag across the room,  hearing it slam down on the hard, tile floor of the kitchen as he ran to Reck and his distressed mother. Ryuto grabbed Reck's shirt, forcing him to turn around and face him so he can hit him hard and clear. Ryuto hit as hard as he could, but his punch was intercepted before he did damage and was returned right to his lip.

Ryuto doubled over in pain as he heard the bus speed up and drive away. Reck kneed Ryuto in the stomach, forcing bile up and into his mouth, tempting to give way to Ryuto's last meal.

Ryuto swallowed his lunch for the second time that day, and forced his foot up and behind him, and he straightened up his stance when he felt the sole of his boot collide with Reck's skin and bone.

Ryuto turned around and slammed his fist down onto Reck's head as hard as he possibly could, transporting all of his anger and rage into that punch. Ryuto stood satisfied as his disowned father fell to the ground, unconscious. He stood there for a second, breathing hard, but his mother grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Ryu! Your lip!" She exclaimed as Ryuto's adrenaline left his body and he felt the blood trickle from his bottom lip onto his chin. He looked down at his mother, the only person he had ever loved. His one true meaning for life had a purple and blue cheek, crimson blood creeping its way out.

"Mom, your cheek is worse thab my lip." Ryuto said as calmy as he could and took her into the kitchen. He got a washcloth, wetted it, and pressed it against his mother's cheek as she winced softly.

"We have to get out of here, Mom." Ryuto said as he let go of the washcloth, letting his mother hold it in place.

"Where would we go? Besides, your father has all the money."

"Not all of it." Ryuto smiled as he fastened a lip bandage against his bottom lip.

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