Chapter One

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Rewriting on daretobeunique54

Chapter One

I winced as I landed from falling from halfway down the two story tall bleachers. I sat up, holding my left arm, which unfortunately broke my fall. I can't go to the nurse again; I have already used up all of my excuses and the only unused excuse I can think of is tripping. Yeah, I totally tripped and basically killed my wrist. I'll be fine; I've toughed it out before, I can tough it out again.

Oh, you're probably clueless by now. Well, hello. My name is Arwyn Johnson, and I am seventeen years old. I have dark red hair that goes down to my waist, I have never been seen in public with my hair down, and, to top it all off, I have chestnut brown eyes. The perfect genetics, don't you think?

Well, you are so wrong.

I was actually accepted in my old school, and come to think of it, I was more than accepted. I was allowed to sit at the popular table and mingle with the popular girls and boys. They weren't afraid to associate with me.

Then, my stupid parents had to get a stupid divorce and my stupid mom and I moved to stupid California, leaving my amazing Nevada life behind. Because of this, everything changed.

Once we moved, no one accepted me because of my family. My father, Lane Johnson, used to be the richest person in Nevada, but my mother took all of his money during the divorce. My mother, Lilabeth Johnson, well, she's just a little bit of a bitch. She ignores and doesn't give two shits about me; the only reason I live with her is because my father is the same way, so I thought I'd go with the rich and doesn't care parent. I'm glad I made this choice; my mother gives me all of her child support money and lets me do whatever I want with it because she says she has too much. My father would've been like No! I'm using this money for bills and food. You can go make your own money. I also thought Hey, new school, new people. Go make yourself some new friends.

I was dead wrong.

My mother is famous for so many reasons: modeling, acting, speaking, the list goes on. Despite all of this, she is a total bitch. She's snobby, self-centered, and needs a major attitude check. Well, I can't comment on the attitude check; I need one, too. But, I get it from her, so it is technically her fault.

But, the whole world knew that my parents were bitches, so once I moved, everyone thought I was like them. No one talked to me, looked at me, anything. They all ignored me, and once I entered high school, they bullied me; they call me names like whore, bitch, asshole, all names my mother is best known for being.

So, you can tell how bad my first year was. Students tripped and threw paper and cussed at me while the teachers pretended not to notice. Then the next year came, and I've accepted that all of these things were just a fact of life. They no longer bugged me like they did. The students saw this, and bullying me was no longer enjoyable because they didn't get a reaction. In fact, my mother heard about my popularity for being the outcast and she told me to cuss those that cuss me, trip those that trip me. I actually listened to my mother for once. If someone called me a bitch, I called them an asshole. If anyone tripped me, I dodged and made them fall instead. Students caught on to my new actions and those that still bothered me left me alone. I had no friends, but then again I never really did at this school, so it was surprisingly easy to love my life of no one coming near me. I sat alone at lunch, no one called my doodles ugly or threw their trash anymore. No one sat around me in the classrooms, so the teachers caught on and didn't call on me for questions. I was kind of grateful for this one, as this school caused me to develop social anxiety.

I never wondered if my life would ever change, if I'd ever speak to someone again.

Cover created by StarlightFirexx

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