Chapter Three

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Rewriting on daretobeunique54

Chapter Three

I stood up as I saw a face looking at me through the bleachers. "What are you doing?!"

"What are you doing?" The boy said. I didn't recognize him. He had dark brown hair and light blue eyes. A weird combination, but it suited him.

"That is none of your concern!" I said with my hands on my hips.

"So it isn't your concern why I'm here, either."

"Actually, it is. These bleachers are basically my home. Stop trespassing or I will sue."

"I'd like to see you try." He said with a smirk.

"Just...just...ugh! Just go away and don't come back!" I spat out as I turned my back to him.

I sat down, watching him go back to the various games my classmates were playing. I know everyone in my school, and I didn't recognize him. Did he just move up from elementary school? He's too old to be a freshman; he looks around eighteen-ish. Transfer? New town, new school? I'm sure I'll find out, word spreads fast in this school. Especially words about new students.

Especially new boys.

The girls at this school are so naive and blind. I swear they only want a boyfriend because it's apparently illegal to still be single when your a junior.

I haven't had a boyfriend since Nevada, and I learned my lesson there. Boys are trash that just use you for something to do when they're bored and lonely. They'll seem to be madly in love one day and be all over another girl the next.

Sometimes, the other girl might even be your best friend. The one person you could trust.

Or thought you could trust.

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