Part 7

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A little sexual context but their isn't any smut.
Leigh-Ann POV
I was just released from the hospital and was finally free. The girls dropped me off. The girls I mean the driver. I was hopping that they will finally get the guts to take their driving test. It honestly sucks to drive them everywhere. I tried teaching Jess how to drive but things didn't go as planned
Jess and I were in the car " So first you have to put on your seatbelt. If you don't then you might get caught or something bad could happen if you don't have it on. " Jesy gives me a small ok. " Ok now put the car on drive.... no thats that for parking.....there all you have to do is point it to d which mean drive." She laughs " Ok what's next?" " Do you know which ones your brake and gas." She nods " Ok which on is the brake" " The left one and the right one is the gas. " " Ok i think you got it all down for now. Now the driving. You want to slightly press the gas" She presses the gas and it goes forward i smile at her " Ok now you also want to step on the brake" we jerk forward " slightly" " Sorry maybe driving isn't meant for me." " ok well if you ever want to learn you just tell me. Now get out of the divers seat and lets switch."

My doorbell rings which bring me out of my thought. I look at my phone to check the time. It was freaking 10pm. Who in their damn minds knocks on somebody door at this time. I open the door ready to yell at who ever was at the door. I open the door " This better be good" My eyes widen as I see it was no other than Jade. " Sorry I thought you were somebody else. Not in a mean way but what are you doing here its 10 pm." But she wasn't paying any attention me at all. She was paying attention to the exposed skin near my chest. You see I'm wearing a silky robe. Underneath my robe is nothing. The cold air of London made my nipples hard. You can clearly see them because their picking out of my robe. She was basically undressing me with her eyes once more I snap my fingers " Eyes up here Thirlwall. Now would you like to tell me what you are doing at my house at this hour. " She stutters before saying words. " I was wondering if I could stay the night i was out walking at the park and i didn't realize how late it was. My house is too far to walk too." I smile " Yeah sure you can come in you now where the guest bedroom is." She nods " If you need anything just knock on my bedroom. " "ok" I go up to my room and lie down on my bed. I got comfortable in my bed as was so close to falling asleep when i heard a knock at me door. This girl always get me at the wrong time. " Come in. " She comes in and closes the door. " um Leigh do you mind do I slept with you tonight. " I thought about it for a second. " Umm Jade you know with my situation that, um that isn't the right thing to do right now. " She gives me her famous puppy eyes and I give in to it. She can get away with murder with her puppy eyes. " Ok fine I'm in the right side though " She nods she goes to the left side of the bed. What have you gotten yourself into Leigh-Ann you know it end well. I drift off to sleep to myself thinking that she won't be there anymore and that this was just a dream.

I woke and i was right she wasn't there it was just a dream. Although i wish it was true. I wish that I could be the one to wake up with her everyday. Unfortunately that isn't me. I walk downstairs and i smell food. My eyes widen did we sleep together. Did i actually let her in. I walked into the kitchen happily. The moment i walked into the kitchen my mood instantly drop. There was Jade cooking but she wasn't the only one there. Fucking Luke had to be there. Jade sees me and her eyes widen prolly thinking that she could bring Luke her and take him out before i noticed. I have had quite enough of this. She knows that I'm in love with her. If you want to make me jealous than she has succeed. I give Jade a look telling her that i wanted to speak to her. I nod to go upstairs in my bedroom. I open the door. " Jade i want you and Luke out of my house. Im done with all of this bullshit. You know I have feeling for you. You know that all of this shit you do makes me jealous. You even have the fucking nerve to bring your boyfriend into my fucking house. You have some respect. I let you stay over and this is how i am being treated. So I will say this one last fucking time. I want you and your fucking boyfriend out of my house ok." She stays there silent. She's still has a statue. " What else do you want for me Jade. You don't have any respect for me. You don't respect the feeling I have for you. I know you don't love me. The last thing you could do is respect me feelings. Brining Luke into MY house isn't respecting me. It just gives me another reason to never mind." Jade looks at me " Leigh, finish the sentence what are you going to do?" I softly whisper "kill my self. " " No Leigh I swear dont do that i- we need you" " No , no one needs me. But i do promise not to kill myself. Killing myself just seems the better option." I take a breather. " Please Jade leave you being here knowing that aren't mine is killing me. I dont expect you to say you love me too. I do have one request. Please leave. Ill see you tomorrow. If you must know the teacher gave me a day off to get myself back together. You would know if you were paying attention to the doctor." I point to the door this time she gets it. She leaves and i take a few minutes before i go back out. I walk down stairs and Jade gives me one last look saying im sorry. When she leaves I exhale a breath I didn't even know i was holding. " Sorry Jade sorry can't fix everything. Even though i want to be mad at you im still in love with it you" I whisper to myself.
Hey thanks for reading dont forget to comment and vote. If you have any ideas you guys want to share any ideas just tell me. Don't worry im not tying out of  ideas i just want you guys to have a pitch in my story. If you guys do give an idea and i put in the story ill give you a shoutout.  

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