Chapter 1: New day

Start from the beginning

'This means we have a spot open on our group! You should totally get to join. All you do is spar with our leader, Diane. If you win you make it and if you lose don't. ' Elizabeth squealed. I was a bit taken back.
'So you want me to join the sins?' I asked. 'Me, a small, perverted abu-well nevermind... you want Me?' I said.
'Yup!' She said.

I suddenly saw the school as we turned the corner. It was massive. I am definitely getting lost!  It was two stories high, and the size of a castle. No, scratch that, it WAS a castle. It had turrets and everything.

Elizabeth ran towards some people sitting on a bench. I identified them as Diane, King, Merlin and Ban. I walked towards them.

'Nice to see you princess!' The guy named Ban said, picking Elizabeth up and spinning her around, while everyone laughed.

'Keep doing that, Ban, and Guila might think your cheating on her!' King laughed, making the others laugh even louder. Elizabeth and Diane were hugging. She really was tall. Like, 7ft. Diane then saw me. Her eyes narrowed.

'Elizabeth, who is that?' She asked, pointing at me.

'That's Meliodas. He's new and I met him on the way to school. We walked together since he didn't know how to get here. He's my new friend!' Elizabeth giggled, while I started to whistle, acting very laid back and chilled.

'If you say so,' Diane said. 'Any friend of Elizabeth is a friend of mine!' She beamed. Just then the bell rang for the start of class.

Class was mostly boring.

It was lunch time and i had just got my meal: Pasta, apple juice and a rice Krispie cake. I was looking on where to sit, when I saw Elizabeth, Ban and Diane waving at me.

'Yo, cap'n, come sit over here with us!' He called.

'Cap'n?' I asked as I sat beside him.

'Yup!' Elizabeth said, her mouth full of apple. 'Most of us have one. I am princess and Harlequin is King. The others have nicknames, but we don't use them. Bans is Dumbass, Merlin's is mage, Gowther is dolly, and Diane's is giant.' She says. The others nod, cringing a bit at their nicknames. Diane looks a bit upset at hearing her nickname mentioned.

'So,' Ban says, changing the subject. 'I hear you're gonna enter the contest to become a sin?' And i nod.

'Yeah, it sounds fun. And it would be nice to make friends. Unlike my last school.' I replied casually, as if I didn't care that my life sucked. They all looked a bit shocked.

'You mean you had no friends at all? For 11 YEARS?!?!?!' King spluttered.
'Yeah. The kids either were afraid of me, bullied me, or hated my brothers and took their anger out on their " weaker, younger sibling" ' I said, showing them a large scar on my hand.

'This is where one girl was mad at Zeldris for dumping her and stabbed me. In several places.' I added. They all stared at me in shock. Except for Gowther who looked blanc.

'And you just took all that abuse?' Diane asked angrily.

'Yeah, i mean it was the easiest way. If i fought back... it made things worse...' i shuddered at the thought. 'Can we change the subject?' I asked. They looked at me kindly (except Gowther, who's face still looked blanc.).  Just then, the bell rang.

'See you at the bench before school tomorrow!' Diane called. 'And see you at the tryouts, Meliodas!' She called, waving.

At the end of the day, Elizabeth was waiting outside my classroom.
'Walk home with you?' She said shyly.

'Sure,' I agreed.

We walked all the way to her house chatting. As she approached her door,  I said 'Meet you here tomorrow?' And she smiled and nodded. Then, to my surprise, Elizabeth hugged me.

And then entered her house and shut the door. Sighing, I walked sadly to my house to a ton of homework i got given, not to mention train for tomorrow.

*** Elizabeth P.O.V***

As I watched him walk away, whistling to himself, I felt a twinge of sadness. I feel sorry for him, no wonder he's so quiet! He had no friends so he didn't know how to react. I vowed to make his life happier.

I ran up the stairs into my room, dumping my bag on the bed beside me, and went on my laptop. I opened up Chatville. Everyone was online.

PrincessEli,Giantdiane, Ban1245, DollcalledGowther & Magemerlin is online.

PrincessEli - Hiya girls and guys :-)

Harleking - Sup Princess. Wuu2?

PrincessEli - Homework :-( Hbu?

Harleking - Same

Giantdiane - Me too

Ban1245 - Ugghhh me as well

Magemerlin - I have some as well. Hbu Gowther?

DollcalledGowther - I do too.

DragonMelon is online.

DollcalledGowther - Who is that?

DragonMelon - Its me, Meliodas.

PrincessEli - Oh, Hiya Meliodas! You got homework too?

DragonMelon - yup. It sucks :-(

Ban1245 - I have to do this essay or matron will kill me. Gtg bye.

Giantdiane - Ok ban. Bye everyone!

Giantdiane, Ban1245, Harleking, Magemerlin & DollcalledGowther went offline.

PrincessEli - So, why did you get excepted into Melburn school?

DragonMelon - My uncle is the headmaster. And the fact I have a lot of magical power and lots of strength, stamina ect. Anyway, how'd you get picked???

PrincessEli - oh cool. I have a unique power and a lot of persistence, my personality ect. And the fact i am the Mayors daughter.

DragonMelonthats so awesome!!!!! Oh i hear my brothers coming in. I have to go. See you tomorrow!

PrincessEli - Okay-dokay byeeee

DragonMelon & PrincessEli went offline. Chatroom empty.

Closing my laptop, I began to study my German. I can't wait to see Meliodas tommorow! I want him to get into the sins group. Its going to be the match of a lifetime, I just know it!

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