Take A Break

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"Run away with us for the summer, let's go upstate.

We can all go stay with my father.

If you take your time,

You will make your mark.

Close your eyes and dream,

When the night gets dark."

-Hamilton(Broadway Musical)


"I'm worried about Sherlock." John blurted as soon as he sat down. It was dark in Mycroft's office, the only light was a few sun rays coming in through the window over Mycroft's tall figure. John coughed a bit. "I mean, he's acting strange."

"I'm afraid you are going to have be more specific." Mycroft's tone was sardonic and dry, as he shifted in his chair. "When it comes to my brother, everyone is usually worried because he is acting strange. Strange is a natural habit for him."

"I mean," John paused, frustrated. "He has stopped taking cases, and I know for a fact, he's not sleeping." Mycroft lifted an eyebrow and John blushed a bit. "Erm, he stays up playing the violin. Even if I call his name, I don't think he is aware of me. Or, he is just ignoring me." Which was a worry for John. It had been two weeks since the night terror incident, and John was floundering. Sherlock had woken up, and for the rest of the day, not said a word to him. It was like the whole thing had been erased out of the detective's mind as the day turned into a three days, then a week, and now two weeks. John finally gave in, going to straight to the enemy for help. Or so Sherlock would say if he knew John was meeting with his brother, but he didn't, or so John hoped he didn't know.

Mycroft tapped the desk with his fingers. "I still don't know what this has to do with me."

John leaned forward, his heartbeat picking up pace. "I would like your permission to take your brother away. On holiday."

Mycroft blinked at him. This clearly was unexpected. "You would like to take my brother on a holiday?"

"Yes." John nodded, sitting up straighter. "I believe he needs a break. It may be good for him to have a change of scenery."

"Why are you asking me?" Mycroft frowned, still tapping his finger on the desk. Tap. Tap. Tap. "My brother is an adult, despite his actions. I doubt it matters to him what I think, unless..." He titled his head, staring at John, and not for the first time John noted how alike the Holmes brothers were. The same hard stare, and some mannerisms, though if John would point it out to Sherlock, Sherlock would laugh in his face. "Unless you haven't said anything to him about it. This is your idea and yours alone. Ah, John Watson."

John swallowed. Now for the hard part. "I want to take him to America." He visibly felt Mycroft's surprise at this. "Just for a week," He said hastily, trying to get it all out. "Or two. Just enough to give him time to recover and regroup, if you know what I mean."

"You want to take Sherlock to America so he can rest?" Mycroft laughed out loud, the noise ringing about the office. "Doctor Watson, I certainly don't understand this, but the fact that you think Sherlock would allow it is preposterous! I would think after two years of living with him, you would know that Sherlock Holmes doesn't take breaks." His tone was stark, his eyes narrowed.

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