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they'd been friends all throughout high school.

until the day they graduated.

they had fought over something silly, she couldn't remember what, but she hadn't seen or heard from him since.

until he moved in the empty apartment down the hall.

she saw him once, on her way to the mailbox, and they locked eyes for a moment, not a word spoken. you could cut the tension with a butter knife.

he hadn't changed much, but he also looked almost unrecognizable.

his jet black hair was much longer, and stuck out from the sides of that black baseball cap. the dark circles under his eyes were much more prominent, and he looked like he hadn't slept in a week.

she saw him once.

and he looked like hell.

but she could tell he was surprised to see her, though the look he shot her was full of distaste.

but she could read him.

she'd always been able to.

in the depths of those deep brown eyes she could see shock and bewilderment.

but she was sure she looked the same.

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