Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen - Ivy

Walking into school, hand-in-hand, with Eric Porter was a heady feeling. I thought I'd feel sick to my stomach at all of the attention, but I found myself standing straighter and felt pretty good. As we parted ways with the twins, Timothy smirked at me, "If you ever get tired of my brother, my bedroom is always open, Ivy."

Eric closed his eyes, "Thomas take him away before I kill him."

Thomas chuckled and grabbed Timothy around the neck, pulling him down the hallway. When Thomas winked at me, I knew Timothy had told him what he'd seen and I felt myself blushing all over again. I turned and buried my face against Eric's chest and groaned. Eric instantly wrapped his arms around me, rubbing up and down my back, in a soothing manner. I wasn't sure he even knew why I needed the comfort, but it felt good nonetheless.

"Isn't this just the most sickeningly sweet sight?" Charity's scornful voice broke through my peace a moment later.

"Stuff it, Charity." Eric said, took my hand, and tried to walk around the self-proclaimed Queen Bee. She stepped over, blocking our path, making Eric growl, "Look, Charity, you don't want to start with me. I couldn't get Timothy to tell me what you said to him at lunch yesterday, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let it slide."

I watched as, once again, Charity's friends began to scatter. It was quickly becoming clear to me that Charity didn't have any real friends. If they were true friends, they'd have her back no matter what. However, backing a person like Charity, who didn't use the good sense God gave her, would be hard for anyone. Charity hadn't yet noticed her posse left her high and dry yet again.

Charity's cold eyes suddenly landed on me and she demanded, "What are you looking at?"

I shrugged, "Just someone who has no real friends, has a cold-heart, and who will probably end up being a lonely, crazy cat lady someday."

"Excuse me?" She gritted her teeth, clearly seething.

"I call it like I see, Charity. Look around you. You're alone. You're so-called friends bailed on you, yet again. Keep coming at us like this and see what happens. They'll drop you permanently and they won't even think twice about it." I tell her, waving my hand, asking her to look around. When she did, I almost felt sorry for her, but then remembered what she'd done to Timothy. She'd used him, taking his virginity as a way of revenge against Eric. Then, just as bad, she'd taken his feelings and stomped on them, publically.

Charity shook her head and looked like she might be fighting tears, as she backed up. She spat, "Watch your backs." Then she walked down the hall with her head down. I'd like to say she was defeated and, therefore, we wouldn't have to worry about her anymore, but I knew it wasn't true. Charity would gather herself and then she'd come back swinging full force.

"It's so hot when you stand up to her." Eric said, wrapping his arms around me.

"Yes, well, I know what has to be done now. Eric, you won't have to take her friends away. She's going to push them away herself." I tell him.

"What do you mean?"

I shook my head, "I've got this. I think I'll stick around after school and watch your practice. Is that ok?"

Eric smiled, "Of course. I'd love to have you watch."

I felt bad, because I was using that as an excuse to stay after school. Not that I didn't want to watch him on the basketball court, because I definitely did, but I was actually hoping to have a private run-in with Charity. That bitch didn't know it yet, but her own mouth and attitude were going to be her downfall. I was really falling hard for Eric, but I couldn't get comfortable in our relationship until Charity was dealt with. I was going to take her down, once and for all, for all the bad shit she'd done to people over the years. When she'd messed with Eric and Timothy, they'd been the final two nails in her coffin.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, with no further issues from Charity. I didn't even see her at lunch and hoped she hadn't went home for the day. During the last class of the day, however, Charity was present and accounted for. So after school, I planted myself in the bleachers and watched the basketball player's practice, until the cheer squad entered the gym. They did their own practicing in the corner and I kept glancing their way. Charity had definitely spotted me, because she kept glaring in my direction.

When practice let out, the boys went one way to their locker room and the cheer leaders went the other way. All but one. Charity came toward me, so I reached into the front pocket of my backpack and discreetly hit the record button on my cell phone. Then I glanced up at her and said, "Charity Owens, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Cut the crap. What's it going to take for you to go away?" She demanded.

"Go away?"

"To break up with Eric. Whatever you want to call it. I need you out of the picture so I can repair the damage and get back on track."

"You want me to dump Eric, so you can try to get him to date you?"

"You got it. So what's it going to take? It shouldn't be that big a deal for you. You two haven't been seeing each other long."

"You know you're delusional, right? Eric Porter is never going to date you. He doesn't care about you like that."

Charity snorted, "Like I give a shit about feelings. I just need him for his social status. It's clear that he's more popular than me. So if I date him, I'll be back on top."

This girl made me sick. She didn't give a damn about Eric. That wouldn't sit well with our fellow students. I needed to keep her talking. I needed her to say more. So I said, "What about Alex?"

"What about him?" Charity frowned.

"He's Eric's best friend. Alex is also clearly no longer team-Charity. So even if I were to dump Eric, then don't you think Alex would talk Eric out of dating you? Although, I highly doubt you'd be able to talk Eric around anyway. You used his little brother."

Charity chuckled, "You've obviously never used your vagina to manipulate someone and I don't give a shit about Alex. Once I get Eric in the sack, I'll be able to talk him into anything, no matter what his friends tell him. As for Timothy, you're right, I did use him. I was so pissed at Eric that night, so yes, I set out to seduce his little brother. Whatever, Eric will get over it eventually."

I wanted to clap for joy. She was openly admitting to everything and it was all on tape. I had to get more though, so I prodded, "What about your friends? I'd be pretty upset if my friends kept ditching me during a standoff."

Charity shook her head, "I don't give a shit about them either. Once I'm dating Eric, I'll be back on top, and all those bitches will be kissing my they should. Fucking April won't shut the fuck about you, so I may have to cut her loose. For some reason she thinks you're awesome. The little slut just needs to learn to keep her mouth shut unless it's to blow someone for me. I mean, really, Ivy. You need to learn to use your sexual wiles for manipulation. It took a while, but I finally got April trained. Ashley will fuck anything with penis. Lexi will fuck anything with a vagina, but you didn't hear that from me. Paula is an even bigger bitch than me. None of those bitches are loyal and I can't stand any of them, so I'm not sure why you'd think I'd care what they had to say. Now, back to business. You're going to dump Eric, because do you know what will happen if you don't? I'll cut you. I know some people use that term in a joking manner, but I will seriously get a knife and I will cut you to pieces. Are we clear?"

"Crystal." I gritted out.

Charity smirked, "Good, I'll expect a single Eric by morning. Ta-ta!"

I glared after her. If she thought she was getting her hands on my man, she could guess again. I didn't care what she did to me, I'd never let her have Eric. Now that I had him, knew what he tasted like, and had gotten used to his presence in my life, he wasn't going anywhere. I reached inside my bag, pushing stop on the recording, and gathered my stuff. Then I went out to Eric's car to wait for him to finish in the locker room. While I waited, I plotted my next move. Charity was going down.

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