Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten - Eric

"Charity did what?" I clenched my jaw.

Alex nodded, "She threatened your girl, yet again. Ivy didn't want me telling you. She's got it into her head that this is all her fault."

"How the fuck is she figuring that?" I wanted to scream it, but I doubted our Trigonometry teacher would appreciate that.

"Exactly! I did my best to set her straight. I will tell you though, had I not been there, I don't know what would have happened. Your girl was holding her own, but Charity can be ruthless. She's a feisty one. Who would have guessed that I'd find a nerd hot?"

"Back off, dude." I growled.

Alex chuckled, "Relax, Dude. No need to go piss on her and mark your territory. You know I'd never scam on someone you were really interested are truly interested, right?"

"Yea." I say with a sigh.

"Good, because I told her that too." Alex said, with a shit-eating grin.

"You fucking did not."

Alex chuckled and nodded, "I also told her that it might be awhile before you admit your feelings to her, because you're a pussy. Ouch, Fucker." He rubbed his shoulder where I'd just punched him.

I shook my head, "Thanks for helping Ivy out with Charity, but fuck you for telling Ivy about my fucking feelings."

Alex smirked, "You say the word feelings like it's a disease. You like her. Awesome. I think she's great. I think she'll be good for you. She's not the type you usually go for, so maybe she's just what you need. Don't wait too long to tell her. She seemed shocked when I told her you like her, so apparently you haven't been doing a very good job showing her."

I nodded, without further comment and sat back in my seat. I was surprised our teacher hadn't reamed us for talking during class, but the old geezer was oblivious as he droned on and on. I gave up trying to concentrate. Charity Owens needed to be dealt with. From what Alex said, her friends ditched her, so she would definitely be on a rampage. She would have kicked it up a notch either way, given the fact that Ivy hadn't immediately backed down to cower at her feet. I smiled, thinking of quiet, little, Ivy Montgomery standing up against a bitch like Charity Owens.

Alex had called her "my girl" a couple times now, but I realized that wasn't true. Ivy wasn't mine. To be mine I would have had to man up. Instead, I'd been a pussy, as Alex had so eloquently put it. I'd tried to kiss her Saturday morning, but she'd ran from the room, so I hadn't tried again. I'd thought, for a moment this morning that she'd close the distance between us and kiss me, as we leaned out our windows. When she didn't, I didn't let myself get discouraged, but that's what I was feeling now. She now knew that I had feelings for her. What would she do with that information?

I didn't see her all morning. Not even between classes. So when lunch time rolled around, I strolled into the cafeteria with purpose. When I spotted her at her corner table, all alone, I headed straight for her. I ignored my friends. I ignored everyone I passed. I had business to attend to. When I sat down in the chair closest to her, she glanced up, surprised. I smiled at her and moved my chair even closer to her.

I leaned toward her, whispering, "So a little birdy told me that you now know that I have feelings for you."

She visibly stiffened and asked, "What else did this birdy tell you?"

I smiled, "He told me about the incident this morning, with Charity. He told me you didn't want me to know. He told me not to tell you that he spilled the beans. Oops."

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