The Flame Ask A Favor To Two Ice

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Flame's Princess' POV

   I might have broke up with Finn but I... still love him. I might have dated with my opposite an hour but...

   I immediately went to the tree house. I peeked through the window and saw Fionna with Finn. It made me totally jealous. It's like I could just kill her. But I just need a person who can do that.

   I went to the Ice Kingdom. The perfect place where I can find him.

   I barged inside and saw tge Ice King having a conversation with the Ice Queen.

   "So how's your love life in Aaa?" asked the Ice King with his usual rusty voice.

   "Well. I could say it wasn't so great. I already kidnapped all the princes in Aaa but still not one of them loves them." she replied also with her rusty voice.

   I went to them and interupted their conversation with a call.

   "Ice King and Ice Queen."

   "What do you want?" Ice king asked.

   "I want you two to break up Finn and Fionna. They must be separated from love."

   "And the prize would be?" he asked raising one of his brows.

   "A prize? I..." I decided the most disgusting decission I have ever made."I... would be your girl friend."

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