Day 1 || Stubble Kisses

Start from the beginning

Ash: They kinda get thrown into it. Marry this guy, or gal, and that's ... that's it. That's your marriage. Forever. Done.

Matti: Never be an arranged marriage wedding planner. You're crap at it.

Ash: [Laughs]

Matti: The OTHER group of people this applies to is the LGBT community ... LGBTQ-something-something.

Ash: Wow. Good start.

Matti: I get the letters confused. Anyway, we feel as though we might be er... speaking out to them somewhere along this experiment, because, I mean, me and Ash are both heterosexual. Aren't we, bud?

Ash: [Looks at Matti] [Creepy smile] [Wink]

Matti: That was terrifying. Never do that again to me, ever.

Ash: Yeah, we're both heterosexual.

Matti: Which ... well that's not exactly what the LGBT community even stands for, but they say you're born the way you are with these things, right? If you're straight or gay or trans or ... I ran out of options ... or straight –

Ash: You said that.

Matti: Okay. [sighs] Whatever you identify with, that's you. But we asked the question: Is it? Because maybe you think you're heterosexual because that's all you're used to, or because you never really ... er ... explored the possibilities.

Ash: So that's what we're doing. We're calling it – Try Before You Bi: The Arranged Boyfriend Experiment. And that's where me and my best friend come in. Ha.

Matti: We've arranged to be in a relationship. Like, this whole guy on guy thing ...

Ash: Basically to see if heterosexuality is like a 'comfort zone' for us guys. [Points to himself] I've never been with a dude; [points at Matti] you've never been with a dude. But if I was to be with any dude, it would be you, man.

Matti: That kinda takes away the 'arranged' bit of the experiment, then, doesn't it?

Ash: Fine, you're a piece of crap and I can't think of anybody worse. How's that?

Matti: That's, er ...

Ash: [laughs]

Matti: ... I'm charmed.

Ash: So for the foreseeable future, I'm technically [tilts head, clasps hands as though infatuated] in a relationship with my best friend.

Matti: [Glares] You haven't asked me yet.

Ash: You really want me to?

Matti: We're doing this properly.

Ash: Fine then. Matti, be my – [bursts out laughing] Stop looking at me like that!

Matti: I'm not looking at you like anything!

Ash: You are ... with your ... eyes. You look so expectant. Is this the first time you've been asked out, by the way?

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