Chapter 1

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The events that played out after my father left changed the world that all humans knew. They made their appearance known through a world wide broadcast on the TV.

Everyone stopped and watched as three men stood on a podium. Each to represent a species who would now live within harmony. They spoke of peace and serenity within our lives. That we should no longer fear the darkness and that they would protect us from crime, hunger and poverty.

The first representative to speak was for all shifter kind. He was a large man who seemed to have muscles on muscles. There was a large scar which started mid temple and travelled down to his jaw on the left side of his face. His eyes bore into the camera as he spoke. It made me want to cower under his gaze. His voice held so much power that anyone who he raised it to would instantly fall under his command and bow to him. His name was Alpha king Dylan Blackwood. He had control over every shifter within the world and resided within the American forest's were he would start his inhabitation of human towns and cities.

The second was a man named Julius Fawcett. His eyes held decades of age but yet none showed on his body. His skin was as pale, almost translucent under the intense light that was being shone down on them as they stood proudly, representing their race. Fangs protruded slightly from his upper lip but unlike the first man, there was no evidence of battle or war on his skin. He was perfect in every way it seemed. The way he spoke though made me shudder. Those eyes which held so many decades of age seemed to suddenly taunt me. He showed a sadistic smile for his whole speech. He was almost trying to hint at us the events that would play out over the next years and how his race would occupy European countries before spreading into Asia.

The last man to speak was Oliver Powell. He was a middle aged man who seemed to sweat profusely on the stage and would constantly wipe a rag across his forehead throughout his speech. He was nervous. His hands shook on the table in front of him as he leaned forward to speak on behalf of his race. He was chosen by the UN as the representative and they couldn't have made a worse choice.

Within the next few weeks after the reveal they started to move into our neighbourhoods. My mother wouldn't let me leave the house, not letting me go to school and always giving the excuse I was ill.

I remember watching my neighbour pack up their car in the dead of night. There had been stories about countries like Fiji and Australia being only inhabited by human kind but what they didn't know is that it was almost impossible to get to them now.

Once I returned to school, the cluttered hallways that was once a gathering place for young students to talk and relaxe had become a silent eerie walkway. We had began to learn about these supernatural creatures culture almost immediately. Replacing history or religion with racial culture.

It was when people who had seemingly been missing for months or years began to show themselves was when the human race started to revolt.

It started in a speech about the appearance of these so called 'missing people' that our representative for the human race was shot and killed in the live broadcast by a man named Richard Wilson. He was part of a movement which many humans had fallen behind. He was once known as what werewolves and vampires used to call 'hunters'. They knew about their races long before the public ever did and were not considered with their public appearance.

Richard was ripped apart within in seconds by the guards which were surrounding him. I remember the screams of him coming from my television. My eyes couldn't move from the screen but thankfully the camera moved from the scene towards the Alpha king who stared into the screen.

"For those who are looking to protest this inhabitation. Know that this is your consequences. You will be found and you will be killed." He spoke with a low threatening tone. My mother kept me closer that evening and I didn't mind her pulling me closer on the couch.

After that event things progressed more quickly. We were sorted into territories or covens although some parts of the world were still only run by humans. Those stories about Australia and Fiji being only inhabited by humans came back false as papers began to report that the Alpha of one of the territories has found his mate.

Mates. That was another new factor of reality now. I remember seeing a wolf finding his mate at my high school almost a year after the announcement. He was a new teacher who was brought in to teach racial studies when he literally grabbed a girl from her seat at lunch, growling 'mate' over and over before dragging her out of room. The echo of her screams in the cafeteria and hallway could be heard as he dragged her away from her school and her family.

When she came back to school a few weeks later, she was surrounded by those wolves which had moved into the school.

I was glad that it was my last year of high school and as soon as I graduated, I began working in a small café which thankfully the wolves never ventured into much. The small portions which we served were thankfully more suited to humans then they were for werewolves.

My boss was a nice middle aged man who seemed to understand my enthusiasm for having a job in his café. It was bliss working there, being in the presence of just humans puts you at ease but as soon as I go through the doors and onto the street, I feel like prey that is being stalked. That was because I knew I was. I knew there was always eyes on me.

Those glowing dark ones that came from the forests that surrounded us. Those eyes from the wolves which patrolled the forest, waiting for one of us to step out of line so that they can really play chase and let their wild side free.

Lessons of being a mateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin