Chapter 1 : The Beginning

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The next level was pretty basic in terms of what resided on it. A small walk away from the stairway I had just walked up there was a dome shape that had mostly mirrors as its walls, save for the door. Inside of the dome was a small patch of dirt that had light green truffles sticking out of the ground. This was the crawlers Greenhouse, where most of the fruits and vegetables the crew ate was grown. A little ways past that was the Ore room, where all of the materials that were collected were stored for safe keeping. After that was the cafeteria, which had the shape of a wild west bar. I made your way down the side of the Greenhouse and Ore room while looking at them both and thinking out loud, "We really need to make another stop as a City to empty the Ore out" before making my way to the cafeteria. I stop in my tracks when you see a note on the door that reads ' Better luck next time Y/N~' with a big 'S' written below the note. I grown loudly before tearing the note off the door and opening the door with a look of irritation on my face as I enter the room.

The first thing I immediately notice is that the person who is normally on kitchen duty is not there. The second thing I notice is the same little quote unquote "Annoying" girl sitting at the far end of the room. The girl wore high top shoes and a pair of semi long shorts. She also wore a sleeveless tank top that did not do a good job concealing things along with a loose hanging scarf around her neck. I rub my eyes in slight exasperated agitation before walking over to the table where the food resided and got a piece of bread along with some ham. I walked over the the table where the girl sat and slumped down into my seat while she looked as though she was trying really hard to hold in a laugh. I look at her tray and see that it has a variety of food on it and immediately notice the (Favorite Food) on it. I look at her with a look of "are you serious" on my face and say "Really?" in a clearly agitated voice. She then bursts out laughing and says in a voice that had a little bit of gruff for being the age she was, which was only two years above me as she said "A-Awe come on what did you expect?" She catches her breath while holding her stomach lightly and says, "Man, you are so easy to mess with" I sigh lightly before taking a bite of bread and ham and finish chewing and swallow it down quickly. She ate the food on her tray with a smug grin on her face and I smirk lightly before saying, "I'll get you tomorrow " She swallowed what food was left in her mouth and smirked before saying" we'll see. I doubt you will with as much as you sleep" I chuckle out loud to myself before finishing my food and getting up. I walk past her and lightly punch her arm before saying with a slight grin" jeez what am I gonna do?" she smiled before saying" nothing because I'm too unpredictable." I chuckle before walking out the door of the cafeteria. I wouldn't openly admit it but she isn't exactly annoying to me. If anything, it's fun to have someone who knows how to get someone's mood improved around.

I make my way around the side of the cafeteria and follow the railing along the outside of the railing before I arrive at a square black room with a few pipes running out the top of the room. The pipes were spewing out white smoke, indicating that there was something burning. Of course that was to be expected, seeing as the room was the engine room. I walk around the room and find two separate stairways that loop up in a circular pattern before connected to the level above me. I walk up one of the flights of stairs and make my way across the open room that had the walls on the sides off so the surrounding area was visible. I notice that the chair on the other side of the room near the front of the walker was occupied. You immediately know who is in it with you eye a black top hat sticking up over the chair. You walk over to the chair  and say" good morning Samson" The hat turns to the side to where you can see the person sitting in the seat. The guy sitting in the seat looked only about 13 years older then you with a clear mustache on his face. He wore a black tailcoat with a pair of black pants with a white under shirt on. The part about him that stuck out the most to anyone was the robotic right arm and eye on the man. He held two levers in his hand while several were being unused, signaling he was driving the walker.He nods to you and says "good morning Y/N. How are you?" You stretch your arms lightly before saying" pretty good so far. So anything happen while I was out? I thought we were heading to Mexico so why are we near the Grand Canyon?" The man nods before turning his attention back to in front of him while saying" yes actually. Earlier we received a message that was just a set of coordinates. So we decided to check it out" You raise an eyebrow slightly before saying" so we don't know who sent it? that could mean a trap" Samson nodded before saying" yes but it could be someone in trouble so we should take the risk" You nod understandably before saying "so how long until we reach the coordinates?" Samson raised his left hand to check the time and said" in a couple of minutes. So I suggest you get ready"

You nod before turning around and walking around the stairs you walked up already and made your way up another flight of stairs before coming up to a stop at the top where a hatch resided. You grab a hold of the handle and turn it to the side and open the hatch. Behind the hatch sat a spacey room with a chair in the middle with several metal bars connected to it and two joysticks on the arm rests. You take a seat in the chair and grab a hold of the joysticks. The chair slowly raises off the ground and the roof of the room you are in slide down in a dome shape, revealing the open area. You pull back on the joysticks and push them forward. As soon as you push them forward a series of noises resembling gears grinding together is heard behind you before two decently large cannons looking like they were built from scrap slide out of hatches in the floor raise up out of the floor and slowly lean forward until the gun barrels are even with your position. You smile lightly before saying to yourself

"This is a very interesting start to the day"

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