Chapter 16: I Love You

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July 7th, 7 Days until the Ball [Noon]

Days have past. Marinette has gotten better. She's out of the wheelchair but still on meds. She hasn't spoken to Adrien but Adrien has tried to speak to her. Nino and Alya have talken to Adrien about his secret identify. Tikki hasn't spoken to Plagg. The entire class notices the tension between them. Whenever Adrien tries to talk to Marinette, she goes the other way. Marinettte hasn't transformed since the battle with Mr. MOB. Since she almost drowned. Adrien is alone each night on patrol. Chloé is pleased by the silence between them. Alya and Nino know what's going on and have been trying to fix it. They finally figured out what they're going to do.


"Okay Nino, review the plan once more in total please."

Nino sighed. "Again, Alya?"

"Yes again." She said mimicking him. "I want to make sure nothing will go wrong! This has to work. They belong together." She rested her head on Nino's shoulder.

They were hanging out at a nearby pizzeria for a lunch date before school continued for the day. The lunch date soon turned into scheming a plan to get Mari and Adrien together, or at least to get them to talk to each other.

"Okay, so the plan is taking place today after school. I'll invite Adrien to the fair and you are inviting Mari. My uncle works there so I know where hidden doors and everything are. We both go to the Mirror House separately. You arrive there first and go to the mirror that's has one way mirror glass and is secretly a door. It opens to the hidden room. And if you have the key, which I do," Nino holds up a key. " You can enter from the outside. You will leave Mari only in the mirror house and enter the hidden room when I push Adrien in. Then I'll lock the door so they can talk privately and I'll join you in the hidden room."

"Good." Alya says. "This will work."

She holds her boyfriend's hand.


[After School at the fair]

Chat Noir had a hood on and ran up to Nino.

"Adrien? Dude, what happened?" Nino asked.

"Sorry, a lady had a cat stuck in a tree, so I couldn't resist the idea of me, Chat, saving a cat that's stuck. Its too funny." Adrien explained. "I'll just let the transformation wear off."

Nino looked ahead. The fair was crowded, but he was able to see a hurried Alya dragged Mari into the Mirror House. "Okay, that's fine. Um, can we go to the Mirror House first?"

"Sure! I love all the mirrors." Adrien said.


"Woaah." Marinette said, she was looking in a mirror that made her look super tall and skinny. "This is freaky."

Alya nodded her head, she was focused on her and Nino's plan. "Totally, girl."

Then a few moments later, it happened. Nino pushed Adrien, wait Chat?, into the Mirror House and Alya quickly slipped through the hidden door. Nino ran around to the room from outside.

"Chat Noir!?!" Alya whispered frantically. She moved her hands in crazy directions.

"Ya, he uh, rescued a cat and wanted to be Chat when he rescued the cat. He came here in a hood, but I took it off when I pushed him in." He held up a large tan hoodie.

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