Akise Takes Yuki's First Kiss

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Yuno left home crying. "Yuno." Yuki sniffled. Akise looked at Yuki. Yuki cried. Akise rubbed Yuki's cheeks. Yuki blushed red. "Akise-kun." Yuki got nervous.

"I love you Yukiteru-kun I always have." Akise sounded and looked serious. Yuki shut his eyes tight. Akise grabbed Yuki around his shoulder.

"Akise-kun stop." Yuki moaned a bit. Akise looked at Yuki. Yuki kept his eyes shut. "Yukiteru-kun." Akise squeezed Yuki. "Nhhh Ahh." Yuki moaned and then Akise kissed Yuki while he had the chance. "Akise-kun is kissing me." Yuki thought. Akise slipped his tongue in.

"Akise-kun's tongue it's in my mouth this is bad I feel weird and warm......my mind feels.....blank." Yuki tried thinking. Akise stopped kissing Yuki. "Yukiteru-kun I love you more than anything." Akise looked into Yuki's eyes.

"Akise-kun." Yuki was blushing more. Akise held Yuki's hand and they went home. Yuno stayed on the couch until she heard the door. "Yuno." Yuki smiled. "YUKKII!" Yuno smiled hugging Yuki.

Akise stood by Yuki and smiled. Yuno looked at Akise and let go of Yuki grabbing her axe. "You hurt my Yukkii." Yuno glared. Yuki grabbed Yuno's hand. "Don't do it Yuno please don't kill him." Yuki looked down.

Yuno looked at Yuki then put her axe down. "But Yukkii....he took....you away from me." Yuno cried. "But I'm okay right." Yuki smiled. Yuno smiled nodding. "Yukiteru-kun she is crazy and a murderer." Akise glared.

"Crazy,Killer,or even a Psychopath I love Yuno Gasai." Yuki looked at Akise. Yuno blushed. "Yukkii I love you too oh I'm tired nighty night." Yuno ran to the room and slept. "Akise-kun I feel weird do something." Yuki glared. "Weird why?" Akise wondered.

Yuki blushed fidgeting around. Akise smiled. "Akise-kun....kiss...me." Yuki pleaded. Akise kissed Yuki. Yuki opened his mouth a bit. Akise stopped kissing Yuki. "You opened your mouth." Akise looked at Yuki.

"Your....tongue....Akise.....kun." Yuki blushed. Akise kissed Yuki and then Yuki opened his mouth a bit again. Akise put his tongue in Yuki's mouth. "I can't think again." Yuki couldn't think properly.

Akise stopped and went to the couch and laid down. Yuki walked to the couch and looked at Akise. "Go with Gasai-san." Akise looked at Yuki. Yuki walked upstairs to his room.

Yuno was alseep. Yuki saw Yuno's bag. A knife and axe was stinking out. Yuki's pupils in his eyes disappeared like he was gonna kill someone. Akise was sound asleep. 

Yuki And Akise~Love Grows♡AkiYuki Or Yukise♡Where stories live. Discover now