Chapter 3

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Tonight, dinner was... awkward, for lack of a better word. Father kept glancing at me nervously, and him doing that was making me nervous. 

"Father is something wrong?" I asked concerned, putting my fork down. He shook his head. 

"No, nothing is wrong, but I need to tell you something important." He paused. "We'll talk about it after dinner in your parlor." He told me. I was a bit surprised. It must be really important, Father often just told me at dinner unless he wanted full attention from him and me. After a little more silence, Father asked how my day was. I told him the same thing I did every day, leaving most of Sandra's stories out. I asked him how his day was and he puffed out his chest in pride. 

"The deal is complete. King Gavin may be stubborn but he is no match for my skills of persuasion." Father boasted I laughed. 

"One day, you'll meet someone immune to your persuasion." I teased, waving my fork at him giving him a lazy smile. He smiled, taking a sip from his goblet. 

"I did." I looked at him intrigued. "Your mother." He finished. I was instantly interested forgetting my food completely. I loved hearing about my mother. She had died a few days after my birth. Father didn't talk about her often, but when he did he wasn't resistant. I could ask questions and he would answer. 

"What do you mean?" I probed, urging him to tell me more. 

"Well..." He smirked, "our marriage may have been arranged but I still had to fight for her hand and heart." He thought for a moment, a dreamy smile playing at his lips. "She wasn't necessarily stubborn but my flattery and pretty words hardly opened her heart." He chuckled as he explained. "Luckily it didn't take me long to change my tactic and showed more action. She responded much better." I sighed, imagining them. "It wasn't necessarily romantic." He gestured with his hand causing some wine nearly to spill from his cup. He quickly put the cup down before continuing his story. "They were just kind gestures. Helping her when she needed, doing things she liked to do." He explained. "Those kinds of things." He added and with that, he was done, we returned back to eating. I was satisfied with what he told me, I didn't need to know everything at one time. 

As promised, after dinner, we went to my parlor. Sandra was there with my maids. Father dismissed my maids, but Sandra was allowed to stay. I sat down neatly, remembering everything I had been taught. Sandra gave me a pleased nod, I smiled at her, but my stomach was all tied up. What did Father want to talk about? I first went through all my wishful thoughts before changing to realistic thoughts. Father sat across from me, he took a deep breath before he began.  

"Estelle," He seemed a little hesitant, my heart quickened its pace, Father was hardly ever hesitant. "As you know we are a powerful country, many other countries look up to us for support, security." I nodded remembering all my lessons, in history, economics, finances, and such. "Not because we go and conquer the other kingdoms but we make contracts, treaties, and if they are broken, the other kingdoms know that we have an army that will come and destroy them." I nodded. I knew all this, why was he telling me this? "You are heir to the throne," I chuckled at him stating the obvious, "and although you could become queen with no issues, I don't want you to rule alone. It is a strenuous task." He fiddled with his fingers. Was he talking about suitors? He hated the idea, loathed it in fact. Sandra had told me one time when one of the lords mentioned it, it was barely stated. Father kicked them out of the palace and they weren't allowed to come back until years later. I glanced at Sandra, she sat there quietly and calmly. I thought about going into her mind, but that was too cruel. "So, to fix that issue, and create a strong bond between one of the other kingdoms, I have arranged a marriage for you." He said. I felt a little numb at the moment. 

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