Nash Grier Imagine

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You giggle as you watch your 10 best friends take the stage. They take turns doing crazy things to make their fans laugh.

Mahogany started lip gloss and all of the boys gathered up to dance. The girls' screams got louder, and your eat drums were busted. Nash snuck away behind the curtain, to where you and a few others were sitting.

"I'm pooped." He said crashing into the chair next to yours.

"I'd be too if I were you smiled. He smirked and moved so he had his legs propped onto another set of chairs and he rested his sweaty head on your lap.

"I think" he starts adjusting his head, "I'll take a 5 minute nap."


Taylor's voice booms over the speakers and Nash's head shoots sup colliding with yours.

"Oh my god I'm sorry." He said moving over then turning to make sure your okay.

"I'm okay, goo" you smile, he gets up and kisses your forehead.

You and Nash had an unspoken liking for each other. One day you would be completely flirtatious, and the next you would act like the day before never happened. It was weird.

You wanted a relationship with him, but it was hard to tell what he wanted.

*3 hours later*

You followed the boys and Mahogany out of the venue, they all looked beat, but happy none the less. They wanted food, you could tell they were getting irritable, Nash glanced back at you and gestured for you to hop on his back. You smile and do, tossing your bag over your head.

Once you were up he turned his head and smiled at you, you kissed his cheek in response.

Usually on your flirtatious days, you guys would end up cuddling until one or the other fell asleep then you'd make your way to your own beds, which was completely okay with both of you but you were kind tired of just being a whatever thing.

You guys got food, then stood in the hotel lobby debating on what to do for the night.

"I think y/n and Nash want time alone." Cameron teased. You felt your cheeks flush and Nash pull you towards him.

"Do you?" He asked looking down at you.

"It doesn't matter." You reply, he nods at his friends then takes your guys' food, and your hand and starts toward the elevator.

"I can carry the food." You say, he looks back and you smiles and shakes his head.

Once you guys are up in his room he tosses you a pair of shorts so you don't have to go to own your room, and then waits for you on the bed.

"I have a question." You say climbing onto the bed next to him.

"Hmm." He says, his mouth full of food.

"I know we aren't anything, but what's stopping us from being something?"

He looked up at you questioningly, like he himself didn't know the answer, which was accurate.

"Do you want to be something more?" He asks, finishing his food.


"Alright, then y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, you rest one leg behind his back, and the other on his lap.


He smiles and tilts his placing his soft lips on yours.

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