Aaron Carpenter Imagine

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Aaron Carpenter

Yessss. You thought as you entered the empty movie theater.

You had come to get away from everyone, family friends ect.

The fully empty theater was luck. Like they knew you needed alone time. You found a seat directly in the middle of the very back row with a perfect view of the screen, and the preview started rolling.

Just as the last preview came on, a large group of people came in. You counted them as they sat,

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10

All boys. All cute.

"Are we by ourselves?" One of them spoke, they all turned there heads examining the room. You were hoping you could shrink into your seat not being seen but it didn't work. The really cute one with dark hair covering his forehead spotted you and smiled.

"No, there's a girl in the back." He spoke, his eyes not leaving yours once until the movie started.

The movie was good, so good, you didn't want to get up and go to the restroom but you did anyway, leaving your food behind and taking your purse, not that any of them would take it or anything in it. You did your best to sneak out without being seen but again failed, a beautiful boy with a defined jaw bone, and a beautiful smile looked at you and did just that, smiled.

As you were leaving the boy from earlier walked in.

"Oh hi." He said, scratching his neck.

"Hi." You barely manage to get out. You were both being really shy which wasn't like you at all, him on the other hand you don't know.

"I'm Aaron, I just wanted to say you are really pretty." He mumbled. You felt your cheeks redden, and he smiled.

"You're also very attractive." You reply not sure what to call him.

"We should hang out sometime. Here's my number, text me if you ever feel up to it." He said handing you a piece of paper, kissing your cheek, and walking back into the movie before he could hear your reply.

You smile to yourself sticking the tiny piece of paper in your bag and finishing what you were doing before going back to the movie. Aaron looked at you and smiled when he saw you come back in, one of his friends whispered something in his ear causing him to turn and red as a tomato.

*2 months later*

You laid in your room watching your boyfriend play patty cake with your niece. She giggled when he would purposely mess up, so she wouldn't get bored.

"Auntie y/n I hungwy." She said leaving Aaron to come cuddle up next to you, you looked at him and he pretended to be sad but smiled when he saw you looking.

"Go ask Aaron if he'll take us to McDonald's." She stood up on the bed and smiled him batting her little eyes lashes and in the sweetest voice going

"Can we pwease go to McDonals"

Aaron stood up and walked over to the 2 of you.

"Only if your auntie gives me a kiss." He whispered picking her up and putting setting her one his hip.

You lift your head and give him a quick pec before grabbing your bag and racing out to the car.

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