t w e n t y - t w o

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an intense and irresistible desire for freedom

Neil's POV
It was nearly here! The day was coming and Neil felt he would vomit at any moment. His play was the next day. The rush he got from just thinking about it made him giggle. He had been on a high all day. He could barely contain himself as he and Todd walked back to their dorm from classes. He wanted to skip and jump for joy.

    Not being able to hold himself back, Neil latched onto Todd the second they walked into their room and kissed him. Teeth clashed together but Neil paid no mind and gripped Todd closer to him.

    "Not that I didn't love that, but what's got you so excited?"

    "What's got me so excited?" Neil echoed incredulously. "You couldn't have forgotten what tomorrow is!"

    "Yeah Todd, how could you have forgotten what tomorrow is?" Charlie asked sarcastically, leaning against their doorframe.

    The sound of their friend's voice caused Todd and Neil to jump away from each other. Both turned deep shades of red and Neil couldn't believe he had gotten so swept up that he'd kiss Todd with the door wide open for all to see.

    "I mean it isn't as if Perry hasn't been going on and on about it for the past few days."

    "Oh," Todd drawled out in pretense realization. "You mean the Midsummer Night's Dream play! You're right Neil, how could I forgotten? It's not like it's all you've been talking about for the past few days."

    "Or weeks!" Charlie threw in.

    "Yes, weeks!"

    Neil pouted. "Now you're making fun of me."

    Todd smiled and pecked Neil's lips, causing a pleasant tingle to run down his spine. "You're too cute not to!"

    "Isn't that sweet?" Charlie gagged as he rolled his eyes at the pair. Neil couldn't find it in himself to even care. Nothing could bring him down. Nothing but....

    "Shit, Perry! Your dad's coming!" Charlie said before dashing across the hall into his room.

    The words processed in time for Neil to shove Todd onto his bed, away from him, before his father came storming in. His face was red and angry. Neil flinched as his father's steel eyes cut into him.

    "Father," Neil said meekly, not meeting his eyes.


    "Wait a minute. Before you say anything, please let me ex--" Neil had tried to spit out before his dad interrupted.

    His father's hard, stone voice filled the room as he said, "Don't you dare talk back to me! It's bad enough that you've wasted your time with this, this absurd acting business. But you deliberately deceived me! How, how, how did you expect to get away with this? Answer me.Who put you up to it? Was it this new man? This, uh, Mr. Keating?"

    Confusion mixed with the fear coating his mind. Mr. Keating? What did he have to do with this? Neil gulped as he could feel Todd's eyes on him. By this time the others had gathered nervously around the door, listening in. Shame over flooded him. It was bad enough Todd had to witness this, let alone the entire Society.

    "No. Nobody--I thought I'd surprise you. I've gotten all A's in every class."

    It was a weak argument. Neil was desperately trying to curve the conversation into a safer place, but his father was having none of it.

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