"Oh no I totally forgot, I have to get you the best present ever." I laugh at him and a smile spreads on Stan's face again.

"No, you don't." I chuckle "I don't really celebrate my birthday..." Bill gasps at this, Gruncle Stan nods.

"Yeah the kid never really enjoyed it. Mabel always made a big deal out of hers so Dipper just let her have the birthdays." Stan explains, leaving Bill in shock again.

"You mean... You've never had a birthday party?"

"I was at Mabel's, I don't really like parties that much anyways."

"Or a birthday cake?"

"I always got a slice of Mabel's"

"What about a present?"

"Usually just a card from my parents."

"Pinetree!" He sighs loudly "that's it, I'm gonna make sure you have the best birthday ever!" We all laugh at his confidence.

"If you want to that bad, go ahead."

After everything settles down, I offer to go get the coffees. Leaving Bill and Stan alone to talk. When I get back, I'm glad to see them smiling.

"Alright, here it is." I say, setting down the tray. "Stan, your's as black as my soul. And Bill, your's with an unreasonable amount of sugar." They thank me and I sit back down with my own coffee, one sugar and two cream.

"I gotta say Dipper, you really got a good one here." Gruncle Stan remarks, gesturing to Bill.

"Aw, Mr.Pines!" Bill chuckles lightly.

"You can just call me your old Gruncle Stan." Stan smiles warmly at us both.

"Thanks Gruncle Stan." I say, leaning against Bill.

"No problem kid." After a moment of silence, Stan speaks again. "I have stuff you left at the shack in my car, thought you would want it." I nod, turning to Bill.

"Already done." He says, snapping is fingers.

"Thanks Hun." I say smiling.

Just then, my phone begins to ring. I excuse myself from the table and answer the call once I'm outside.


"Demitri Love?" A deep and raspy voice bellows back.

"Yes?" I always forget that that's my real name! I just never hear it.

"We need to meet with you and Bill Cipher, now."

"Um, y-yeah okay." I stutter out "I'll be there right away." The other line cuts out first, then I hang up. As I'm about to enter the dinner again, Bill and Stan walk out.

"What's that about?" Bill asks nervously.

"That was the demon counsel, I think." Bill looks worried, and Stan just seems confused.

"What did they want?"

"Didn't say, all they said was they need to see us now."

"Can someone please explain what's going on!" Stan cuts in.

"The demon counsel are basically the people in charge." I quickly explain.

"We better go then." Bill says, preparing to make a portal.

"Wait," I stop him, "shouldn't we be in full demon form?"

He nods and we both transform, him with a quick flash after snapping his fingers, and me with a wave of flames spiralling around me. Bill looks the same, but in his formal attire. I, however, have sprouted my wings and extracted my claws, along with changing into my new demon clothes.

Stan seems overwhelmed with shock and I hug him quickly.

"I'll see you later Gruncle Stan!"

"Yeah, maybe you can come to our house for coffee next time." Bill laughs as he forms a portal. Stan just waves wearily as we jump through to another dimension.

Omg the plot is moving???!!!! Already???!!?!??1!!!? Hope you enjoyed it

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Omg the plot is moving???!!!! Already???!!?!??1!!!? Hope you enjoyed it. 🐿🐿🐿🐿🐿🐌🐌🐌🐡🐿🐿🐿🐿

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