Echoes in My Ears: Chapter 19

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Everyone got back to their own business, leaving Lucy and I dancing to a slow song.

"Hey, how have you been?" Lucy asks, looking at me with her chocolate brown orbs.

"'s been going great so far. I found a cat in an alley way injured. I took him home and healed him. Now, he's my pet and has made an impact in my life. His name is Happy because...I was sure that he was gonna give me happiness. And I was right." I said, and she chuckles.

"I'm glad you have great company back at home, Natsu. I really missed you." She says, smiling.

But I notice that something was off. That smile was fake, her makeup couldn't cover at how pale she was, and she had bags under her eyes.

"Lucy, is something wrong? You look...pale." I said, concerned.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just didn't had enough sleep."

"I can tell that you're lying. Please, tell me the truth." I said, grabbing her hand.

But she looked hesitant. She slips her hands away from mine, signaling that she's hiding something.

I quickly grab her hand and take off her long glove. Lucy yelps and I gasp, my eyes wide.

She's...been cutting herself.

"Lucy...why are you doing this to yourself!? You can't just follow what I did! You can't be harming yourself!" I shouted, which caught everyone's attention.

"Natsu! Please, you're making a commotion right now! Don't tell–"

"How do you expect me to stay calm when you have been self harming!? I love you and I hate seeing you like this!"

"Says the person who was suicidal! I wanted to help you! I wanted you to stop self harming because I love you! I hated seeing you like that! But you kept on going!"

"At least I changed. I realized my mistakes now. Have you!?"

Lucy stays silent, tears forming in her eyes.

"S-Sorry...I just couldn't take it anymore. I missed you so much that I was under depression! But I stopped! I swear! These are just scars...from two or three weeks ago. Please, forgive me." Lucy sobs, burying her face in my chest.

Small tears pool in my eyes and I hug her, gritting my teeth.

"God dammit, Lucy. I wanted be clean. This is my fault. I influenced you to be like this." I said, a lump in my throat.

"Natsu...I'm really sorry. But...there's just one more thing you need to know about me." She says, and my heart stops.

"W-What is it?"

She goes in front of my face, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Natsu...I don't know how you're going to take this but...I am suffering from Leukemia, a blood cancer. I have been getting effects from it and..."

As she kept on going, all that echoed into my ears were I am suffering from Leukemia, a blood cancer over and over again.

My breathing somehow stopped. I felt paralyzed. I couldn't move at all! I don't know how to react to this type of news.


I can't speak. I somehow forgot to breathe, talk, move, and listen.

"...I went to the doctor two days ago and he told me that I only had less than two weeks of life. That's why I'm here trying to get my very last moments on Earth." She says, and my lips agape.

"F-For how long...have you had this?"

"A week ago. The doctor said that my blood pressure was really high. He said that I might be getting strokes and side effects such like dizziness, loss of balance, and trouble with walking. There's nothing that the doctors can do at the moment but surgery. If it goes well, I will survive. But it's not possible for Leukemia to be cured by surgery since it spreads all around your blood cells. But they'll try really hard."

"W-What needs to be remove in order for Leukemia to...uh, be cured?"

"In rare cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, also known as CLL, the spleen needs to remove because it is destroying blood cells and platelets. I've done research on Leukemia and...not many people survive from this. In 9 minutes approximately, a person dies from blood cancer." She explains, and I sob.

"Why must it always be you...? It isn't fair." I said, gritting my teeth.

"I don't know. I guess bad things happen to good people." Lucy says, smiling.

I lean in and kiss her lips again. In the background, I heard sobbing and claps.

"Yo, I'm crying."

"This is so beautiful and sad!"

"They deserve so much better."

Yeah...we do.

"Lucy, no matter what, I'll always be here to support you no matter what, okay? I won't leave because I love and care about you so. Please, fight this battle, okay?"

"Mhm...yeah. I will." She says, caressing my cheeks.

No matter what, we must always stay positive no matter the outcomes.


This story is going to its end! I feel like this story is so much better than I'm Lucy Heartfilia because in this story, I understood the concept of bullying and being under depression.

I'm Lucy Heartfilia was a joke! I was so immature in the beginning of the story that I just added some stupid things. I have the urge to remake it.

Should I?

If I do, it's going be a bit different. It's going to make a lot more sense. But the plot will still be in I'm Lucy Heartfilia such like Lucy turning insane and whatnot.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! :) I think five more chapters is on its way until this book finishes. :)

Thank you for the support. Love you guys.

I'm Natsu Dragneel Where stories live. Discover now