Ch1: Meeting the dragon slayer

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Edited: 20th May 2019

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Edited: 20th May 2019

(Y/n)'s pov

I ran through the streets of a random town I didn't know the name of as the strong wind blew my hair into my face which really pissed me off. A tall man with short brown hair and blue eyes was running after me shouting "come back here and pay for what you broke!"

I ran faster so I could outrun the bar keeper but instead I ran right into what I assumed was a brick wall since it was so hard but I swear that it wasn't there before. The moment I made contact with the 'wall', I fell flat on my butt. My ankle hit the rock hard pavement which sent a surge of pain through my ankle.

"Ouch!" I shouted, gripping onto my ankle in pain while gritting my pointy teeth. "Hey. Are you okay?" a masculine voice asked me. I looked up and saw three men and a women standing in front of me.

I tried to stand up but the ankle that I had hurt gave way underneath me and I lost my balance. I was about to fall right back onto the stone pavement but the blonde grabbed onto my waist to stop me from falling. "I don't need your help, I know how to handle myself" I spat at the blond, hitting his arms to get him to let go of me but he wouldn't. "It doesn't look that way to me since you almost fell" the blond told me with a matter of fact voice.

"Hey stop right there!" the bar keeper yelled. I clicked my fingers in frustration. "Fuck! I forgot that guy was still after me" I hissed under my breath. The green haired man suddenly grabbed onto my waist just above the blond who let go of me and allowed him to try pick me up. I quickly reacted by kicking him in the balls with my good leg but he seemed unfazed. I froze in surprise. He unseathed his sword and but the handle into my stomach. Hard. I coughed as my vision blurred and I fell unconscious.


I slowly opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. I was completely confused and blinked in confusion as well as to clear the blurriness and sleep from my eyes. I became even more confused when I heard voices so I decided to listen in. "Maybe she's a gangster" a high pitched but defiantly masculine voice chirped. "I don't think she's a gangster tom cat because the only person after her was a bar tender" a female voice retorted in an annoyed way.

"I agree with Carla on this one Happy" A very deep masculine voice added. "Then maybe she's a murderer in disguise" the high pitched masculine voice chirped again. I growled at the fact that they were talking about me. Out of reflex, my body reacted to the first thought that came to mind.

I threw the covers off me, leapt out of the bed and crossed my arms, pinning the nearest figure to the wall. I heard screams from the other two. When I finally came to my senses and was able to see who it was that I had just attacked. I realised that I wasn't pinning a person but in fact I was pinning a black and white cat.

"YOU'RE A FUCKING CAT!!!!!" I half yelled, half asked the little cat. "Actually we're called exceeds now could you put me down before you kill me" he asked very faintly while he kicked his back paws. I was about to take my hands away from the cat's neck when 3 men and a girl came up the stairs.

I recognised the blond haired guy but the other three, I had never seen before. The girl had blue hair separated into two pony tails with brown eyes and a dress. One of the men had pink spiky hair with onyx eyes and a white scaley scarf. The third guy had long ,messy black hair and red eyes with piercings all over his face and on his arms.

Before I had the chance to even explain what was going on, the black haired guy turned his hand into iron and clubbed me right in the face, sending me flying into the wall. "That's what you get for trying to kill my cat you FUCKING BITCH!!! " he yelled.

I stood up. My ankle was screaming in pain but I ignored it. I narrowed my eyes. A sticky liquid which I recognised as my own blood by my own scent. It poured from a large cut on my forehead, just above my left eye where he had hit me

"Oh, so you want to pick a fight with me YOU MOTHER FUCKING DICK!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as everyone looked like they were about to jump out of there own skin from fear and even flinched back slightly.

"ICE DRAGON TALON!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I attacked the black haired guy with a kick that was covered in ice, sending him flying back to the stairs. He stood back up but he was obviously in pain.

"Hey that hurt!" he snarled, gritting his teeth in anger. I was still mad at him and the blood was now covering the entire left side of my face. It was dripping onto the floor, staining the wooden floorboards in blood.

My eyes trailed to the side of the bed that I had been in to see my black combat boots. I picked my left one up and threw it into that jerks face, leaving a mark. I sat down and put my right boot back on. The guy picked up my boot and tried to throw it back at me but I ducked and the boot just hit the wall instead.

I stood up and limped over to the wall. I picked up the right boot and put it on my right foot which was the one that was sore. I noticed that my ankle had a bandage and some supports to allow me to walk. I smile a tiny bit before putting my shoe back on.

I tightened the straps on my boots and pushed myself up. I limped to the door and down the stairs before heading to the front door. With every step, my ankle screamed in even more pain but I kept ignoring it.

I was almost at the door when I felt a tug on the hood of my zipper. I turned around to see that the blond had grabbed a hold of my zipper. "Let go!" I snarled, baring my teeth. He didn't listen so I quickly changed into my lightning mode and began to spark electricity.

I then let off a huge discharge of electricity which filled nearly the entire room as many people were trying to dodge my attack.

After about five minutes of using the attack I turned around, expecting to see the blond lying on the floor unconscious and injured since he took that attack full force but no. He was still standing right behind me and with a firm grip on the hood of my zipper.

"Lightning doesn't work on me" he answered the question I was thinking with a smug grin plastered across his face. I tried my best to get out of his grip but every attempt only gained more pain in my ankle.

"Sorry princess but your staying here. I had Freed put an enchantment around the barrier so that all the guild members can leave but you can't" he said triumphantly. My shock quickly turned into anger after that. "You MOTHER FUCKING BASTERED! I hate you so FUCKING much!"

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