"Its not that Melody. There is a growing sensation. Its feels unstoppable. I want to become my dad! I want to have all of that power. I want people to fear me. I hate it! I've tried to persuade my mind to stop the evil, or at least slow it down. I can't. I am not strong enough. No one is strong enough. I love you Melody. I really do, but if you are scared of what might come, I 100% understand if you just want to leave and go out that door right now. I refuse to hold you back from a happy life. I can't do that to you. I love you too much."

"I hate hearing you say this Peter! You are part of me just as much as I am a part of you! I don't have the ability to give up on you. My heart wouldn't let me leave you. Even though my brain is telling me to let you go. I can't. You are my life Peter. There is no life without you! I would rather die than leave you. Don't you see that!" I was practically screaming at him. He can't just say those things! I need him. He is forever embedded in my heart.

"Listen to your brain Melody. It knows what it is doing. Go live your life with another man. Let him fill your soul. Go run to Sebastian or Henry. Either one of them will treat you better then I could ever treat you. I once had the chance to be worthy, but I lost that when I let the darkness take over me." At this point both of us are in deep tears. If this is his way to say that we are over, then I don't know what to do. There is nothing left to do.

"Why did you come back here then? If you are trying to separate us now, why did you ever search for me? I could've been across the world, and yet you refuse to give up trying? Its pointless Peter! Why come here just to break us up?" I whispered. The words hurt too much.

"I want you safe. I had no idea what they were doing to you. I can't just live my pathetic life not knowing what they were doing to you. I will always love you Melody. No matter what happens, I willl always have you in my heart."

"Please no Peter! Please don't do this to us," My cry for his change of mind failed. 

"If you don't leave. Then I will. I can't have you get hurt. If I ever get better, I will search for you Melody, but this won't work right know. I need a clear mind, no distractions." the wall blocking the tears broke and large water droplets slithered down his face. "Good bye Melody."

He pulled my weak arms off of him and walked right out the door. He left me. He left me alone in this hell hole. My heart shattered into millions of incorrigable pieces. It feels like death. The oxygen exited my lungs and I feel like my throat is closing. I can't breathe. Do I really want to though? Do I want to live on? The only thing worth living for just walked out of the room.

The room seemed bigger, the floor seemed colder, and in that moment I feel worthless. There is nothing  to return to. No one that I want to see back home. Half of them already think that I am dead. Why don't I just comfirm their thoughts. I am obviously not missed back home. The only person that I would have to worry about was Henry, but he already endured my death once. I am sure that he could live through it again.

There was a small knife on the table across the room. I slowly made my shaky legs across the large room over to the table. Time seemed to stop when I picked up the cold blade in my hand. I admired its silver blade. It could be fast and almost painless. I can drive this heavy sliver of metal right into my torn heart.

I flipped the knife so that the tip was pointing directly at my heart. I pressed is softly against my chest. It is going to be over. All of the pain will go away. I will escape. I will be free. Nothing can stop this fate that I have chosen for my safe. I slowly dug the blade a little deeper into my skin. I felt the warm crisom liquid flow down my body.

This is it. I am going to die for a second time. I will be forever in a state of absence. Nothing it left for me. I can hear my blood pumping through my ears. It was blasting. I can hardly hear myself think. My vision started to black out. Good bye world. 

Good bye Peter.

-Third person-

Peter stood there in the door way and watched his only love slow dig that sharp blade farther and farther into her pale skin. His heart broke. He was the one who caused her all of this pain. He never imagined that it would break her heart so much that her only escape is death. Peter had no idea what he should do. He can't just stand there and witness Melody kill herself, but he can't be the one to save her. She needs to move on from this darkening beast.

Peter slowly, but surely made his way through the hall, looking for Sebastian. He has to safe her! He has to keep her safe.

"Sebastian! Felix! Anyone! Please help! Please!" Peter cried as he searched every room for a face. He knows that he has to search faster if there was a chance to save Melody.

All of a sudden Sebastian appeared infront of Peter. His hair was messy and he was only wearing a pair of sweatpants.

"Sebastian you have to help Melody! You have to!" Peter begged. Sebastain looked confused, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"What happened?" Sebastian asked Peter.

"She's dying! Please!" 

Without a secound thought Sebastain took off to find Melody. He wasn't going to like Peter slow him down. Sebastain finally made it to the room where Melody's bloody body laid. He ran over to her and cupped her face, just as she did his less than 12 hours ago.

"MELODY!" Sebastian shook the limb body. Melody's eyes flickered. "You're alive! Stay with my Mel! Please stay with me! Don't die on me! I need you!" Tears flooded down Sebastain's face. Melody never knew how much one man could cry over a single person. Sebastain did some funny hand movement which lead sparks of magic fly off his fingers and on to Melody's body.

She sucked in a deep breath. She had regained the life that she had lost, but instead of feeling overjoyed that she was alive again, she felt empty.

There was little time to react when she saw Peter drive a dagger down into Sebastain's back. Peter's face held joy in the brutal action.

Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan/ OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now