The Battle Commences

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Ahsoka Tano: Be careful Obi Wan, we don't wanna waste our ammunition too.

Obi Wan: I know.

Anakin: Remember snips, Obi Wan and Grivious have a head to head history.

Ahsoka Tano: Oh yeah, right.

Anakin: So let's just focus on the battle.

Ahsoka Tano: Got it master! I'll go and help the Admiral.

Anakin: Will do snips.

Admiral Yularen: The enemy is pushing the attack!

Ahsoka Tano: Don't worry Admiral, I'm here!

~Random Cruise Ship Clone has joined the group chat~

Random Cruise Ship Clone: Vulture Droids incoming, and they brought boarding ships!

Anakin: Target those boarding ships!

Random Cruise Ship Clone: Boarding ships targeted!

Anakin: Fire!

Random Cruise Ship Clone: We missed!

Anakin: Ahsoka, gather as many clones as you can! We need to repel the enemy while Obi Wan is on General Grivious's ship.

Ahsoka: Right, I'm on my way!

Obi Wan: Me too. Anakin, stay here and--

Anakin: --help the Admiral? Way ahead of you master.

Obi Wan: Great, I'll be back.

~Obi Wan and Aksoka Tano have left the group chat~

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