Jedi Temple

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General Skywalker: So, what's the news masters?

Master Luminara: The Separatists are over running our bases and Master Fisto needs food and ammunition.

Padawan Tano: That's terrible! We gotta help him master.

General Skywalker: We will snips, but we have to finish this conversation first.

Padawan Tano: Ok.

Obi Wan: Where is this exactly master Luminara?

Master Luminara: The planet of Malastare.

General Skywalker: Lets go then!

Obi Wan: Anikan wait! We need more info about this.

~General Skywalker has left the group chat~

One Wan: Oh Anikan, one day. So master, what's the info?

Master Luminara: There was a republic blockade but it has been broken. And now there is a Separatist blockade replacing it.

Obi Wan: This is not good. I'll tell Anikan, come on Ahsoka.

Padawan Tano: Ok master, let's go crush some bucket heads! >:)

Master Luminara: I'll be right behind you. But I'll let you guys engage the enemy first. I know how Anikan loves to charge in.

Obi Wan: Alright Master, will do.

~Padawan Tano, Obi Wan, and Master Luminara have left the group chat~

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