chapter 11

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after breakfast, jungkook starts to get ready and i stare at him while he does his makeup.

"why are you staring at me?" jungkook says.

"because i feel like it." i say.

jungkook makes a face and i take a quick picture.

"hey!" jungkook says.

"cute." i mumble.


@jjungkookbtsfan, @hobi_94, @stanblackpink_1996 and 256 others liked this

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@jjungkookbtsfan, @hobi_94, @stanblackpink_1996 and 256 others liked this.

kookie_1997: 🙄 photo creds: @stanblackpink_1996

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@hobi_94: om g i ship👏🏼👏🏼❤️❤️😎

@kookie_1997: @hobi_94 stopppppp

@stanblackpink_1996: 😫💦 why are you so cute omg

@kookie_1997: @stanblackpink_1996 i hate you so much omg

@stanblackpink_1996: @kookie_1997 love you too babe

"don't call me babe!" jungkook says.

i stick out my tongue and he scrunches his nose.

oh shit! i forgot to give jimin's clothes back to him. i never did.

i grab the clothes from my bag and i say, "i've got to return something to someone. i'll be back in a few."

"oh okay, wait- who?" jungkook says.

i sigh and i say, "jimin."

"wait! wha-" jungkook says but i close the door.

i head to jimin's dorm and i knock on his door.

he opens it and it looks like he just woke up.

"oh hey." jimin says, "you're jungkook's friend.."

"here are your clothes." i say.

"well.. uh.. these are from 3 years ago but thank you anyways! you should come in." jimin says.

"no, i must go back to jungkook-" i say while shaking my head.

"pleasee, just for a tiny bit!" jimin says as he pouts.

"fine.." i say.

i sit down and jimin says, "so you never told me your name?"

"my name.. is y/n." i say.

"wai- what! you're the killer-" jimin says.

i nod my head and jimin says, "do you still kill people?"

i shake my head jimin gives a sigh of relief.

"please don't kill me-" jimin says.

"this is why i don't really tell people this." i say.

"sorry, let's change the topic. you love jungkook?" jimin says.

"yeah but he doesn't love me back because you know.. loving a killer is a sin." i say.

"no it's not! you can love anyone regardless of anything!" jimin says.

i frown and jimin hugs me.

"it's okay.." jimin says.

"i'm here." jimin says.

"oh, for so long i've been wanting for someone to say that." i say.

jimin smiles and squishes my cheeks.

"let's be best friends!" jimin says.

"okay.. but i don't know how to be, i've never been best friends with someone befor-" i say.

"glad to know that i'm your first best friend." jimin says as he gives me a soothing smile.

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