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it.'s my moms 5th lesson and the last one for a while. "yuna, can you get some tea for mrs. lee." i nod and get it for her.

"here you go." i carefully place the tea infront of her. "thank you sweetheart. where's your friend? i haven't seen him since the 3rd class." she says.

"my friend?" i ask her. i'm a little confused. is she talking about hyojong? she must be talking about him since i havent seen that boy in forever.

"yes, the blonde guy." she says, taking a sip from her tea.

"ahhh. i don't know either."

"he looks like a very nice boy and he is good looking." she winks at me, making me chuckle.

"his girlfriend probably thinks the same miss." i answer, making my way to the kitchen. i sit in my usual spot on the counter and watch the people come in.

"hyojong wheres your mom?" i suddenly hear my mom say from the hallway. hyojong? heh? i jump of the counter and peek my head through the door. he immediatly sees me, smiling a bit. i slowly walk over. "hello?" i say, but it sounds more like a question. "hey." he says back, a bright smile on his face.

my mom walks back to the living room to continue helping her guests, leaving hyojong and i alone in the hallway. "where's your mom?" i ask him as i lean against the door casually, looking up at the taller boy.

"she hasn't been well lately, that's why she didn't come." he says. i pout a little. "i hope she gets well soon." he nods. "i hope so too." i nod too. "so you came alone?"

"yeah, i wanted to see you."



"why?" i can feel my cheeks heat up a little. it's not everyday that a boy says this to you, i mean.

"i'm not sure honestly. we had some nice talks the past few times so just wanted to see you i guess."


i slowly nod. "oh. that's sweet." i step aside for him to come in. "come on." he follows me inside. i run upstairs, waiting for him halfway the stairs. my hands motion for him to follow me up the stairs. i see him hesitate a bit before coming up. we usually talked in the kitchen when his mom and the other guests were busy working on their sewing projects.

he softly follows me down the hallway up to my room. i walk into my room and sit on my bed. hyojong chooses my deskchair and rolls himself to the middle of the room. "you have a cute room." he says, looking around. i thank him as i place one of my pillows in my lap.

there's this akward silence. i kinda hate it, because normally im very talkative. i'm not used to conversations not going the way i want it, because i usually never stop yapping.

"soooo." i say, dragging the word weirdly, making him chuckle at it. "i don't want this break from school to be over." he says, trying to get the conversation going.

"me neither. i'm so done with school." i sigh. the thought of having to go back to that hell hole pisses me off.

"college is a pain in the ass too, exams are coming up again." he adds.
"oh right, you already go to college. woah, you're old." i jokingly say. "hey hey! 21 isn't that old."

"hmm, it's pretty old if you ask me." i chuckle at his pouting face. "but i bet you have loads of friends there." i add. he spins himself around in the chair and stops himself right when he is facing me again. "i have a nice group of friends there yeah."

"lucky you". i can count my friends on one hand, because well i literally have one. sad that he is out of town with his family during the break, because i'm starting to feel pretty lonely.

"here i'll show you them." he takes out his phone and goes to his camera roll.

"so, this is hwitaek."

he swipes to the next picture.

"this is jinho. he is the oldest in our group, but youre most likely taller than him."

i chuckle a little at his words.

"this is hongseok and that's shinwon."

"that's changgu, but we call him yeo one. doesn't he look like a coconut with this haircut?"

i laugh and nod. "a little yeah.". but damn changgu is kinda cute if you ask me, coconut or not.

he chuckles and swipes to the next picture.

"this is our international duo. that's yanan. he is chinese. that's yuto and he is japanese. theyre transfer students and we 'take care' of them" i nod.

he scoots closer, close enough so my head is like an inch away from his shoulder. i quickly peak at his face and then back at his phone.

i feel myself turning red a little bit. boys are just not? my thing? i think?

"this is our hyunggu, but we call him kino."

"and last, but not least, our youngest. he is in his first year of college, but is already taller than most people there. that's our wooseok."

i chuckle. "look at how small you are compared to him." i say, pointing at hyojong in the picture. he laughs a little. "you bully."

"i know."

we continue to laugh with eachother over stupid things and the akward feeling is slowly leaving the room. i got to know a lot about him. he is pretty cut- i mean, nice.

i now know he raps, he has tattoos on his back, shoulder and arm and that he is not as cocky as he looks. pretty nice.

"hey yuna?"


"could i maybe get your number? just for emergencies you know..." he asks. he has a funny smile on his face, making me chuckle

i don't hesitate at all. "ofcourse." i take his phone from his hands and put my number in his phone.

he takes his phone back and laughs. "did you seriously name yourself 'yoyoyuna'?"

i proudly nod. he smiles while typing something on his phone.

seconds later i get a message.

                       unknown number
          name me hyoyoyojong on your phone

i look up at him and roll my eyes. wow, you're so original." i say, putting his name in my phone as what he asked for anyway.

"i know, but i think it's time for me to go now." he says, getting up.

"oh." i pout a little.

"it's almost 5pm and i have to check on my mom."

i get up too and nod. "wish her all the best from me!"

he nods again, making his way to the door of my room. "i will."

"come on, i'll let you out."

"it's fine, i'll let myself out. i know my way by now."

"alright then, if you see so. see you later alligator." i wave.

"alrighty. i'll text you. in a while crocodile!"

"bye bye yoyoyuna."
"bye hyoyoyojong."

i give him one last wave before he leaves my room and makes his way back home.

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