Chapter Thirty-Eight: One More Night

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Large storm clouds rolled into the sky as the sun set, the promise of rain lingering in the air. Once the water began to fall a heavy wind picked up, causing the lights to flicker on and off throughout the halls. Wanda looked up from the canvas in front of her to see the lightening dance across the sky. After a moment to take in the inspiration, she went back to painting. It didn't take long for the power to go out completely, but just as fast as it popped out the back up generator kicked on. The only fault was that it only lite the emergency lights, leaving Wanda unable to finish her painting. "Great." Obviously annoyed, she got up and walked out of her room. The hallway was dim lit with the runner lights along the floor, just enough to see where you were going. Her bare feet tapped at the floor as she made her way down through the darkness, coming to a halt in front of a familiar door. After knocking lightly, without an answer she opened the door. The room was empty, but steam flowed from under the bathroom door where the sound of running water echoed. Walking toward the door she felt the heat from the air hit her ankles, making goosebumps rise off of her skin. Before she opened the door Wanda made a quick decision and pulled off her dress, letting it hit the floor with the rest of the clothes she took off. Being completely bare made her shiver, despite the heat radiating from the bathroom, the air around her was chilly. The door creeped opened softly, inside the only light was coming from the outlet beside the mirror, a dim blue which barely lit the room. Inside the shower Bucky perked up, hearing the door open, he looked through the glass door to see a small figure approaching, a smirk growing on his lips as the door slid open lightly. "Scared of the dark?" Wanda looked up at him, smiling at his question, "No." After stepping into the shower and sliding the door closed, she turned toward the water, the stream was wide enough to hit them both. The water was luke warm, a comforting temperature that warmed up enough without over heating her. Silence hung between them, but it was calming. 

After enjoying the water for a while Wanda ran her hands up Bucky's bare arms, the water glazing over her fingers as it ran down his skin. Bucky pulled her close to him, hugging the Witch, his hand caressing her hair. "I don't like it. Being benched like a wounded child." Earlier in the day Tony announced the Avengers would be leaving to help the X-Men out with Magneto, Wanda was not included in this mission. Bucky's chin lightly rest above her hear, "I know. But it's for your safety." He knew she didn't want to hear that, but it was the truth. "Wanda we almost lost you. We...I can't go through that again." It hadn't been often that they said such deep things to one another, their feelings were obvious between them, they didn't need words. "I feel useless." Wanda's face muffled against his chest, he couldn't feel the tears as the water was running over them, but he knew they were there. "You're nowhere near useless doll." The sound of thunder echoed through the compound, breaking them out of their little world. "Come on," Bucky shut the water off and reached out of the glass to grab a towel, wrapping it around her shoulders before getting one for himself. Wanda walked out into the bedroom, the chill air hitting her face as the door opened, feeling refreshed. Bucky dug through his dresser, finding a shirt and tossing it to her while pulling on some pajama pants. Wanda pulled the shirt over her bare body and climbed into the bed. "Are you nervous?" Wanda watched Bucky climb into bed beside her, this would be his first mission as an Avenger. "He's a lot to live up to." The Witch placed a small hand on the soldier's face, "You're not living up to anyone. You're creating yourself." Bucky looked into her eyes, they dug into him as he moved closer to place a small kiss on her lips. "I already have."

As they lay in bed listening to the thunder storm outside Bucky played with her wet hair, feeling it slowly drying against his warm skin. "It's surreal." The cool air flowed through the open window and sent chills down her spine. "What is?" Bucky gulped slightly, clearing his throat, "All of this. A new life, doing something good for once. You." Wanda leaned her head up to look at him, his face staring at the ceiling, jaw locked into place. "Me?" Bucky blinked, the shadows on the ceiling dancing. "I don't feel like I deserve any of it." Wanda arched herself up, propping her elbows on the bed to better steady herself. "You do." He moved his eyes to look at her, "How can you be so sure?" Wanda smiled bright, her white teeth bared as she grinned, "I've been in your deserve much more than you think."

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