Chapter 5

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It was about eight in the morning and Roxanne was still not back yet. Erik said her dad was coming home, and the twins ran into some trouble. But, it was my fault she wasn’t able to come back. Roxanne texted me earlier informing me that she needed a new place to hide Aurox/Heath. Her brother refused to let him stay with Morgan even though she said it was okay, and Miles was going to do it, if she broke her engagement to Erik. Miles was really bold, I thought.

“You don’t have to stay here and wait for her,” Erik said to me looking at his watch.

“I really need to talk to her about some stuff anyway,” I smiled at him.

“What did you do now?” he asked knowing I was hiding something.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked slightly offended.

“It means whenever you or Stevie Rae say that troubles around the corner, so spill,” he ordered.

“Try not to freak out,” I warned him.

“I’m sure nothing more you do will surprise me,” he said and that was a total understatement.

“Roxanne and I are helping Aurox hide from Neferet,” I said as his eye widened.

“Roxanne is the only one that knows about this I take it,” he said catching on to me.

“Well you know now too,” I shrugged.

“You need to tell everyone this before it bites you in the butt,” Erik laughed.

“I will,” I agreed.



I decided to pay for Aurox to stay at the Ambassador hotel since Neferet had returned to campus under Thanatos’ watch. He really was enjoying being away from the twins and I needed a break from everyone telling me what to do with my life. I slept on the couch of a while feeling completely drained. I had to get back to school because my phone was dying, and Erik and Zoey were texting me every three seconds. The minute I got out my car. I felt really light headed, and the world started to spin. They next thing I knew everything went black.


Erik and I decided to drive over to Roxanne’s dad’s place to see if she was still there, or go to the club. Then I spotted her getting out of her car. “Erik there she is,” I said pointing over to her.

“Something’s wrong,” Erik said rushing over to her side. Erik got there just in time to catch Roxanne as she being to fall.

“Roxanne,” I said wiping sweat from her forehead and calling Stevie Rea. Erik heroically carried her all the way to the infirmary. He refused to leave her side after one of the nurses insisted he wait outside with me.

“I want to know what’s wrong with her,” he yelled looking down at Roxanne.

“It’s rear, but treatable, she’ll be fine,” Crystal said comforting him.

“What does she have?” I asked from the other side of Erik.

“Her body was rejecting the blood she was drinking. Some vampires that have rear blood types are sensitive even after the change. Her body couldn’t handle the mixture of blood types,” she smiled as if it was no big deal.

“This is my fault,” Erik said looking down at Roxanne.

“How do you figure that?” I asked not seeing the connection.

“I should’ve never marked her. She wasn’t supposed to be marked,” he said mad at himself.

“Nyx doesn’t make mistakes. Maybe this is her way of yelling at you that you and Roxanne are the real deal,” I said running my fingers through his hair.

“Thanks for being here,” Erik smiled at me. The look in his eyes made my stomach flutter, and I made the biggest mistake of my life when I pressed my lips against his. For two unbelievable seconds our lips came together and sparks started to fly, and then he was staring at me.

“I need to go,” I said practically running away. Why did I kiss Erik? Roxanne was on the verge of death right next to us. I haven’t known Roxanne for long, but we were friends, and I honestly didn’t want to hurt her, but I did.

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