Chakra Tuning

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Chakra tuning

In some Tantric teachings, each chakra has a specific vibration or primordial sound that we can repeat to release any energy that may be congested in that region. We can open up blocked energy by focusing our attention and intention on the location of a chakra, and repeating its associated sound or mantra aloud. The following is a list of the energy centers and their corresponding vibrational sounds:

Base of Spine: LAM Reproductive Area: VAMSolar Plexus: RAMHeart: YAM Throat: HAMForehead: SHAMCrown: AUM

The practice of sound healing is referred to as chakra tuning and helps heal the body and enliven the energy centers. We can tune all of the chakras during a meditation session, moving up the spine. Alternately, it’s also useful to focus on a single chakra related to a physical or emotional difficulty we may be experiencing. For example, if we have a nervous stomach and feel powerless about some issue in our life, we can focus on the third chakra and repeat the sound RAM.

I personally use this technique for energizing my chakras and it works like a charm.

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