I had spent the entire evening after having Kenna leave trying to think of some sort of excuse to give Y/N. Not that I had done anything wrong, but the look on her face when she pulled up and the guilt I had felt deep in my stomach the moment I saw her, was enough to eat at me all night. Kenna had been less than thrilled on her departure, but I knew there was no way I was going to be able to do what she wanted, knowing Y/N was just across the hall.

Even now, I glance at Y/N in time to see her gaze shift to the now empty parking spot to the left of my own. Had I not been carrying two heavy bags, I would have reached out to her. When I had first started hanging around her she was keen on keeping her distance, both physical and emotionally. I had asked Mason why she was always so tense, he hadn't been thrilled that I was asking about her in the first place and had made that clear with the eye roll.

"Because she gets attached to things and people so easily. She thinks she's leaving in a few short weeks and doesn't want to miss anything or anyone when she's gone," he had explained and then after a moment he had added something else. "I think that's why she's with that idiot in Pittsburgh."

I hadn't questioned him farther on his explanation even though it was eating me alive to have him elaborate more on the second part. But his expression was enough, he didn't like the guy. More than he didn't like Y/N. Or what he pretended to dislike Y/N.

Now, I know that physical contact is the best way to comfort her. Just a tap on the hand or an arm around her shoulders were enough to make her relax and breathe.

I think back to just a few minutes ago when Y/N walked into my apartment, the familiar circles under her eyes from another sleepless night that I somehow felt was my fault. I always knew when she was arguing with her boyfriend, she had the same expression on her face every morning just like today. She was tired. Not only physically, but emotionally. I had so badly wanted to reach out to her, but the attitude she was throwing my direction wasn't helping my case.

Until her gaze had lingered on me.

A thrill like I had never felt before had sent my nerves on edge and a strange confidence that I rarely felt flowed through me. Now, I feel small in comparison. I watch her eyes fall back down to the ground as she walks to the trunk and pops it open for me. I can't think of anything to say to make her know that it was a stupid mistake to bring a girl back here and that I was sorry she had to witness it. But every idea I come up with I think of a million things she could say back and I would have no answer to.

Instead, I try to convey my feelings by reaching out slowly, giving her enough time to move if she wanted. She doesn't, though she does stiffen as I adjust the scarf I had given her so long ago, pulling it up farther to her chin. The backs of my fingers just barely grazing the skin of her neck but I notice her eyes blink slowly and the subtle lean into my hand.

Maybe I'm not so crazy to think there's something.

Regular POV

I take my seat across from Mason who has suddenly taken to being the first one no matter where we go. He doesn't spare me a glance as he flips through his folder impatiently. So I take the moment of silence and get my computer set up, dislodging my phone from its place in my bag in the process. As I pick it up, my screen lights up revealing a message from Nick for nearly an hour ago.

Less than 36 hours

Followed by a heart eyed emoji and the smile I thought would come doesn't. Suddenly I'm tired all over again. The car ride with Morgan had reenergized me enough to make all previous thoughts of the night disappear. Now he's five rows back from me and laughing with his teammates. I listen to him laugh at something Mitch says and smile to myself, keeping my eyes low to avoid drawing suspicion from Mason or anyone else.

I can make it through this road trip in one piece.

And I succeed at first. The trip to Buffalo goes flawlessly, the boys win in overtime and before I realize what is happening, I'm on a plane to Pittsburgh headed directly into the arms of the boy I haven't seen in months.

Due to a team thing that he didn't elaborate on, Nick isn't able to meet me at the airport but promises to make it to my hotel room within the hour. Excitement unfurls in my belly as we board the bus to the hotel. Mason and I are the first ones on as per usual, sitting beside the exit of the plane comes in handy quite often.

I'm bouncing my leg up and down impatiently waiting the team to board and Mason takes notice.

"Would you stop that? You're moving the whole damn bus," he snaps at me and I roll my eyes.

"I am not, stop being such a killjoy," I say, unable to keep the joy off my face at the thought of seeing my boyfriend in a few short minutes.

Mason's reply is lost in his throat as his eyes flick to the entrance of the bus and I follow his line of sight to see the familiar blonde bob coming up the stairs.

Morgan's eyes immediately find mine and my smile fades at the grumpy expression on his face. I tentatively give him a small smile as he passes me but he ignore it completely, instead focusing on getting to his seat and I press my lips together hard.

He hadn't spoken to me since this morning at breakfast. I wasn't sure what was eating him up but I was positive it had something about the city we are currently in.

"This is going to be a great stop on the trip isn't it?" Mason chirps beside me, that annoying smirk planted on his face.

Idon't reply, instead I look past him out the window to the suddenly coldlooking city of steel. 

Morgan Rielly ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now