Chapter 6

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We had such a great time. Conversations about life, embarrassing moments, anything we could think about. We were heading back to the Little Cafe. "I had a really great time," I said. "So did I," Niall smiled. He grabbed my hand. His fingers intertwined with mine. My face was bright red. Then everyone walked out of the restaurant. For some odd reason we both let go at the same time. We got into the van and went back to the hotel. During the ride, Tanya and zayn were talking non-stop. Ana and Louis were being little immature children. Tori and Harry would not stop fighting! It was more of Harry teasing Tori then they would say snappy comebacks at each other. Liam was on the phone with Danielle and me and Niall just sat there. Silent. Well this is weird, I thought. Luckily, the hotel wasn't too far away. We got off and went up to our rooms. "Rehearsals and sound check are gonna be in three hours! We'll text you when we're about to leave!" Liam yells. Once the door shut, we all said, "Oh. My. Gosh."

"That just happened to us didn't it," I whispered.

"Pinch me now," Tanya mumbles.

"Louis is like a brother to me and I've known for like an hour!" Ana yells.

"Harry's an ass." Tori says.

We all share the most wonderful moments we had during that breakfast, but didn't tell them what happened with me and Niall. "c'mon San! Tell us what happened!!!" Tanya whined.

"nothing happened!"

"sure nothing happened, then explain why your face is so red right now," said Tori.

I finally gave in and told them the whole lot. The secret breakfast. The amazing conversations. And the holding of hands. they wouldn't stop saying aww and that just made me blush even harder. In the middle of our little spill fest. Someone knocked on the door. "who could tat be?" I asked. "maybe it's your secret lover," Ana joked. I stuck my tongue out at her. I got up and went to the door. I wonder who it is...

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