The asylum

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Recap: Alex told Lily he likes her, and he asked her on a date

Lily's POV
I woke up and seen Alex, he was still asleep so I got up without waking him up. I seen the promise ring laying on the floor from where I threw it yesterday. I grabbed it and ran downstairs
Me: hey Guys why don't we play "can you microwave that"
Scotti: ok what are we going to microwave?
Me: this **i said showing them the ring**
Jake: Well I'm glad to see you've moved on
Me: ok let's go microwave this
**jake set it in the microwave and after about 15 minutes it exploded**
Scotti: I wasn't expecting that
Me: me either
Jake: well now what
Scotti:how about we go to an abandoned asylum tonight
Me: I'm down
Jake: me too
Scotti: we need to wake everyone up
Jake: I got this ** he went upstairs and walked into chance, Anthony, and the twin's room and screamed "OHIOOO" in their faces**
All of them: OHIOOO!!!!
**jake went into ever room and yelled "OHIOOO" until they got up**
Jake: TEAM 10 MEETING!!!!!
**everyone went into the office**
Jake: ok tonight we're going to an abandoned asylum, who's in
Chance: I'm down
Twins: we're in
Alex: I'm in too
Anthony: I'll go
Tessa: I guess I'll go
Jake: is that everyone besides me Scotti and Lily?
Nick: yep and have fun dying
Jake: we will
(10 minutes before we left)
Alex: so we aren't going to die right
Me: Alex calm down
Alex: ok
Me: now get out I have to get ready
Alex: ok
**i just threw on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and one of Alex's shirts that left in my room**
Me: ok I'm ready **i went downstairs with Alex**
Jake: ok is everyone ready
Everyone: yeah
Jake: ok into the van everyone
(We got to the asylum)
Jake: ok we're here
Anthony: bro this is really sketchy
Tessa: yeah I'm already scared
Jake: guys it's fine it's just a haunted insane asylum where people went crazy and died
Chance: well who's ready to die
Jake: well if we're going in there we need to go before security gets back
Scotti: alright let's go
(We got out and went to the asylum without getting caught by security)
Emilio: well there's no way in so looks like we have to go home
Ivan: there's a way in **he said pointing at an open window**
Emilio: really Ivan
Jake: ok who's the smallest?
Chance: well either the twins or one of the girls
Jake: so who's gonna go in first?
Scotti: nope sorry I don't feel like dying first
Tessa: yeah...never gonna happen
Emilio: sorry jake but no
Ivan: ummmm it's a no
Jake: well Lily you have no choice
Me: ugh fine *I climbed into the window and got inside*
Jake: are you dead
Me: not yet, but hurry up it's freaky down here
Alex: nah we've all decided to leave you
Me: Alex we both know I would kill all of you
Scotti: calm down I'll go
(Scotti went in then Tessa, the twins, Alex, Anthony, Chance, then Jake)
Jake: that wasn't that bad
**we heard a noise in the other room**
Chance: bro what was that
Jake: lets go find out **we went into the room**
Me: this is sketchy
Scotti: yeah we're all gonna die
Jake: shhh
Chance: dude there's nothing here
Jake: ok well let's just explore this place then
(About 20 minutes later)
Me: guys let's just go we haven't heard anything for 20 minutes **the second I said that we heard a lady screaming, I literally jumped into Alex's arms and Scotti did the same with Jake**
Scotti: Jake what was that
Jake: probably nothing
Me: guys I want to go home
Tessa: me too this is getting a bit to creepy
Jake: fine we'll go
Me: thank goodness
(We got back to the house)
Nick: so nice to see none of you died
Chance: yet
Me: I'm still freaked out
Emilio: I think all of us are
Jake: ok everyone is sleeping in my room tonight
Anthony: why? Are you scared?
Jake: no but everyone else is
Anthony: sure
**the guys all made beds in the floor**
Jake: girls you can sleep now
Me: finally
Scotti: you guys took forever
Me: wait there's only 5 beds
Jake: yeah well one person gets a bed to their self
Alex: me and Lily are sharing a bed
Me: who told you that
Alex: well I just thought that....
Me: Alex I'm just kidding
Jake: me and Sco......
Scotti: nope I'm sharing a bed with Tessa
Jake: Ok I'll just get the bed to my self then
Chance: ok and then me and Anthony and then the twins
Jake: yep and I'll just be lonely
Me: you'll be fine
**everyone went to bed but I don't think any of us actually went to sleep**
Jake: everyone still up?
Me: yeah except Alex
**Jake was taking about something and we heard a loud noise coming from downstairs**
Me: guys I'm done
Jake: should we go see what it is
Chance: No
Jake: but what if it's a person
Chance: we all just need to stay here
Scotti: Chance is right
Me: You don't have to tell me twice
**within 10 minutes everyone was asleep**
(The next morning)
Jake: Everyone wake up now
Scotti: what's wrong
Jake: come downstairs now
**we all went downstairs**
Everyone: OH MY GOSH
||whats downstairs??||

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