I had followed behind several of the other Betas and Alphas; they casually adorned their bodies with spiritual markings. These were not permanent, as they disbelieved in anything that resembled tattoos in that aspect. I wore black, tight shirts and even skinnier jeans. My weapons were in my rucksack; my hunting weapons as well as my natural fighting abilities were present on me. I was prepared for a fight at any time...which didn't suit the joyfully happy surrounding of MacD's.

Jude looked slightly different, but not by much. He had now grown a beard on his chin and had he always been so lanky? He was nothing more than skin and bones when next to me! He wore glasses now, supported by a string of sellotape, plus his skin seemed to have begun to clear up suddenly. Puberty was leaving him, as it should when he was soon to be eighteen. 

"So how's it been man?" Jude drawled, sipping his orange juice, "I can't actually believe that you're alive. Not that you shouldn't be! But...hey nice abs? Workout recently..." He was tripping on his words, a sheer clue of nervousness. 

I shrugged, flexing as I pulled my arms over myself. "Something like that, so how's life?" 

Jude's eyes snapped downwards, "Fine actually, I was going to meet up with the old gang again, do you want to...?" 

I yawned, eyes flickering at the dreary scenery. The noise surrounding us was now bothering me to be honest, "Wouldn't mind. Where to? Anywhere is better than here, my ears fricken hurt, bleeding hell." I rubbed them for emphasis. My eyes were acute to soft noises, no one in the Lycan pack ever made too much noise. 

Jude raised his eyebrows, snickering. "Seriously? Are you actually being serious? This is like the most chilled out Saturday that MacD's has had in like a month." He teased. 

I laughed, loudly. "Whatever pee-stick." He dropped his orange juice, turning to me slowly. 

"Feels like old times really, really incredible." He remarked, placing his face to the side, "I just find it so utterly astounding that you are alive, where were you hiding?" 

I sighed, "Well you see-" 

Jude gasped; pushing my head downwards as I practically snorted my mouthful of Crunchie. 

"Don't look now but babes at three O'clock, they are totally preening you buddy." He smacked my shoulder, directing me to the giggling girls. There was a group of them, surrounding a nearby table as they began to giggle heavily when they noticed me returning the attention. 

It wasn't held very long though, they weren’t prettier than average. Heck, in comparison to Quincy's ass alone they were fives. I threw them a charitable smile, too much for one of them to bear to the extent that she swooned. Reverting my attention back to Jude, I wasn't too dazzled by his cheeky smirking. 

"Well, you don't have any trouble with the ladies d'ya?" He joked playfully. "You've changed man, like I mean you became a man." 

"Go figure," I laughed off. "You too, liking the glasses, oh and that afro man...sexy much? Tone it down." 

A Walk On The Softer Side (Mpreg)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu