Chapter 5: A Strange looking Building...

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As they got sucked into the portal, they heard many things whispering and saw blue light surrounding them. They hold onto each other so that they don't get separated while flying to nowhere. They then felt they were falling down so they held onto each other more for anything that will happen to them. *BAM* they fall on something hard and cold, they started groaning from falling down hard. "Uhh my head...," groaned Asriel, "What happened?" Asked Frisk before she sat up and opened her eyes to see they landed in a weird looking room. The room looked like it was made out of old Birch wood, with spilled black ink everywhere, old posters hanging on the wall, and a desk with mounds of blank papers on top of it. Asriel sat up and saw the strange looking room, "Where are we?" He asked while scratching his head from behind. "I don't know, but this room looks very old.... but the important things is, how are we going to go back home? (Plus how did a portal appear out of nowhere?)" she said while quivering. Asriel shook in fear, "If we don't go back to Sans and Papyrus house, they will be very worried since we are not there," said Asriel. Chara looked at their expressions, she could tell they were frightened and worried to go back home before they get into any trouble, so she flew next to Frisk to tell her something, "Frisk, I'm going to search around the other rooms and maybe the entire building for a exit door so that we can leave." She said in her ghostly voice, Frisk nodded as Chara few through a wall. Frisk stood up and held her hand down to help Asriel up, "We should look around for a exit, before Sans and Papyrus come back home," she said as Asriel grabbed her hand and stood up. "Yeah your right, *looks around*, oh there's a door in front of us, I guess that's the exit to leave this room," he said as he pointed as the door. Frisk walked slowly to make sure nobody (except Chara) was out there, as Frisk opened the door slowly, she peeked out of the room and saw that they were in a long hallway. "Okay the coast is clear," she said as she stepped out of the room, so dose Asriel. As they closed the door behind them, they started walking to the right side of the hall. They saw posters of a cartoon, as Frisk took a closer look at the posters hanging on the wall, her eyes widened as she gasp a bit, the posters said, Bendy in The Dancing Demon, Bendy in Little Devil Darling, Bendy in Sheep Songs, (with Boris the wolf), and Bendy in Sent From Above (with Alice Angel). "These are posters from the cartoon that we were watching back at Sans and Papyrus's house," said Frisk. Asriel looked at the posters, he awe as he got an idea, "Maybe the portal sent us to... I guess the Studio of making the cartoon?" He said as he continued to stare at the posters, Frisk thought about it, and he was right, the building looked like a studio from the inside, there were desks and papers with drawings on them of the characters. "I guess your right Asriel, but should continue walking now," she said as she toke a few steps forward. They then made a turn to a see they made it to a large room where a boarder above the room said "Ink Machine," as they walked into the room, a lot of ink was splattered cross the room, "I wonder why this machine is here, is it important to this studio?" Asked Asriel as he crouch down to look at the ink. "I guess so, there are pipes on the ceiling connected to the machine," said Frisk as she heard a slight heavy breathing from behind them. As she turned around, (while Asriel wasn't paying attention) she saw Chara in front of the room entrance looking every tired. Before Chara spoke, Frisk turned to Asriel, "I'll be on the other side to look for anything to help us out of here okay," she said as Asriel looked up to her, "Okay just come back, it's too dark and quiet here..." he said as he walked to the other side in the machine. Then Frisk walked forward, grabbing Chara's hand so that they can talk in the empty room next to the ink machine. "You okay Chara, you look tired..." asked Frisk as she let go of her ghostly hand. She nodded while breathing normally again, "Yeah I'm alright, I found a exit door at the end of this room from across, but before I left to find you guys, I heard whispering and footsteps coming towards where I was, the footsteps sounded like a bigger person then you both.... I think someone else is in the building as well," she said as she calmed her self down. "That's bad news... I'll go get Asriel and tell him then," she said as Chara nodded. Frisk walked back to the room where Asriel was, but before she spoke his name, he wasn't there. She looked the entire room but there was no sign of him. She panicked as she ran to Chara, "He's not in the room!" She said quietly. Chara gasp, "Well we better find him before that thing gets him," she said as frisk started speed walking (and for Chara flying) where they heard something, like a old video playing. They walked to where the noise was coming from then the saw Asriel seeing a Animation of Bendy on a projector, the room was bigger then the others, it had three tapes (those big circles that move on the wall when you enter the studio) connected together and lots of papers were scattered all over the ground. "Asriel!" Said Frisk in a high pitch whisper, Asriel jumped and looked behind him to see Frisk there. "Oh Frisk you scared me, sorry, I left the room because I heard loud banging near where I was," he said as he walked up to her. Frisk panicked as he said he heard loud banging from where he was, somebody else is in the studio as well. "I guess we are not the only ones here, *looks to see a door with a exit sign above*, there is the exit come on," she said as she held Asriel's hand. After taking a few steps they heard loud footsteps coming from their right side in a dark area. "Is someone there?" Asked a unknown voice. Both Frisk, Asriel, and Chara gasp, the voice sounded like a adult male. The footsteps stop as they look forward to see a black figure in front of them in the dark area. "Stay back! Don't hurt us!" Said Frisk as she shield Asriel when he began to grip onto her sweatshirt. The figure came closer to them, "(Is that a child and a.... goat child?) Hey hey it's okay, I won't hurt you kids, " the figure said as it walked out of the dark area to reveal them self....

To be continued....
(Hope you enjoyed this chapter as I did, I want to make a shout out that when I reach to 90 or more followers, I'll be doing a face reveal in my "Art/Sketches," book, once again thank you for reading this chapter and I'll be seeing ya in the next chapter ^^~ Chibibon)

Undertale meets BATIM (Bendy and the ink machine) crossover story By: Chibibon Where stories live. Discover now