The Obsessed Fans of One Direction

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Chapter  1:

June 5th was a raining day, storms would not let up but that didn’t stop this one group of friends. They are all obsessed with One Direction, with their tour coming up they couldn’t wait to get tickets to the show.  There are six girls, Hannah, Chelsea, Victoria, Kourtney, Brianne, and Ashley.  All of them except Ashley had one favorite. Hannah’s obsession is Zayn Malik, the sexiest one she would say. Chelsea’s favorite is Louis Tomlinson, the funny one Chelsea would say. Victoria’s favorite is Harry Styles, the best one of them all she would say. Kourtney’s is Niall Horan, he is mine and everyone knows it she says all the time. Brianne’s is Liam Payne; he is the weird one out of the group. Then you have Ashley, she loves all of them together. This group of friends is ALWAYS obsessing over them and their songs. One goes as far as tweeting their favorite every day, but we will get to that later. We pick up with them all at Victoria’s house waiting to get their tickets.

                “How much longer till they go on sale?” asks Chelsea, “I can’t wait much longer till we get them! I need to know that we are going to their concert!”

                “Chill Chelsea we are getting tickets if it is the last thing we do. I HAVE to see Zayn!” says Hannah with her dreaming look on her face.

                “IT’S MIDNIGHT! THEY ARE ONSALE NOW!” Ashley yells a crossed the room from the computer.

Everyone being impatient wanting they tickets but knowing everyone is online trying to get them. The suspense is killing them because they are only at the stage of clicking the tickets they want. Worried they won’t get any Hannah starts to freak out.

                “What if we don’t get them? I HAVE to see my Zayn! My life depends on it!”

                “Chill Hannah I am almost done on my computer with getting them! I am checking out now.” says Ashley.

                Nervous they won’t get the tickets they all wait there in complete silence waiting for the words to come out of Ashley’s mouth that they got them. When all of a sudden Ashley looks up with a look on her face…… Not saying a word they room all of a sudden becomes……..

Victoria's mom comes out from her room asking what is with all the screaming and tears. 

"Sorry mom we are just so excited! We got the tickets PLUS backstage passes!" Victoria says trying to calm down. "I promise we won't be loud anymore."

As Victoria's mom walks away they all sit around in a circle talking about how they can't wait to see their one and only loves! 

"What are we going to wear?" Hannah says "I can't believe I am going to be able to meet my husband!"

BriAnn coughs saying "Oh you mean the Mexican?" 

With everyone laughing as Hannah's face gets red, Ashley takes Hannah's phone and tweets Zayn. 

"Zayn I can't believe I am going to be able to meet you! You don't know how much I love you. I think about you every day! I don't know what I would do if you just disappeared! I really wished you would call me! its 999-000-1112."

Ten minutes later as everyone is still talking about how much they can't wait and that we should all spend the night somewhere the night before, Hannah's phone goes off like someone is calling her but she doesn't know who it is!

"Who is it Hannah?" Ashley says.

"I don't know." she says back.

"Maybe its Zayn." Chelsea says jokingly.

Hannah answers the phone....

Want to know who is on the phone wait till the next chapter!!! 

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