Chapter 8: I Just Wanted to Say It

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June 21, 2017 3:45 pm

Lillian: So you guys know each other?
Ash: No, just had a feeling of saying it in case of emergency for some reason
Therese: Oh
Irritating Boss: I know everything about you. Your fighting techniques, hobbies, fandoms, you name it, I know it.
Ash: Oo, how intimidating
Irritating Boss: Send them to our prison
Ash: Yey, if you know me well, then your not gonna put me there
Irritating Boss: You haven't even seen it
Ash: Blah, blah, blah

They had us handcuffed as if we were criminals. We followed Taser's boss. We were walking so slow.

Ash: You guys watched Civil War?
Therese: Ash
Ash: There's a scene there when Cap, Sam, T'chala and Bucky were arrested. Their cell was an office. Well that was for Cap and Sam. Buck was inside a box thing that zaps. My point is they didn't have handcuffs
Lillian: Are we just gonna talk like in the prison scene
Ash: Kyln scene
Lillian: Yeah
Ash: Now I want a Walkman so badly and Awesome Mix Vol. 1 and 2
Therese: Uh-huh
Ash: And get tased while Hooked on a Feeling is played. You know
Lillian: And get the armband that controls the doors
Ash: And is internally wired
Lillian: Yup
Ash: And get a leg that we don't need and owe a guy 30,000 units
Therese: Houses?
Ash: Currency
Therese: Oh
Ash: I just realized that units are also houses
Lillian: Me too
Irritating Boss: Your here

Then they pushed us to a room and left.

Ash: Man, wanted to go to a room with a Walkman
Therese: Oh shoot, we forgot to put the tracking devices
Ash: Relax, I did that already
Lillian: So back-ups on the way right?
Ash: Guess so. Nick?
Nick: ...
Ash: Nick?
Nick: ...
Ash: No answer
Therese: Maybe they cut off the communications
Lillian: I guess were stuck here
Ash: Not unless Nick's on the way.........

While Ash and the rest were stuck in a room...


Ash: Well to me its getting boring and lame. We get it, you know us and we don't kno......
Nick: That's weird. Ash! Ash!
Maine: No answer
Chloe: They cut off the communications
Nick: That means trouble. Let's go
Maine: There, there at the old warehouse near the park
Nick: Warehouses are getting old(wanna know what I mean? Read Odd Agents my first book)

Nick's insights about old Warehouses:
Number one place for baddies HQ!
Looking for a baddie hideout? Look for a Warehouse!

Lesson that can be learned:
You can still use used stuff?

We went to the garage and chose a car. There were only three so we can get there faster.

Nick: V, give us a shortcut
Vision: On it
Maine: I can't control it!
Vision: I am
Chloe: Yey! Don't have to drive.

We came there after a while. We saw an old looking door.

Nick: Yeah just open it like always

I turned the knob. It won't turn.

Nick: What the!?
???: May I help you?
Nick: No

I opened the door the old-fashioned way. I kicked it open and we all went in.

Maine: Your like Ash kicking doors and all
Nick: Just look for them


The buzz wasnt loud enough to get us caught. I turned on my phone and saw three dots. Ash must have put the trackers on them. I told the others and followed the dots

Back to Ash


The four of them were playing a game near us so they can still guard us. I was sitting on the floor with my back on the wall. I heard some footsteps going to us I checked on Taserface but he was still playing. Then I saw three figures. Then the three figures were Nick and team backup.  They couldn't go here since Taserface's pals will catch them and throw them here too. Then I thought of a distraction. It's not dancing to O-O-H Child and having a Dance-off. Not those stuff.

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