Chapter 3: A Bit Too Serious

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Up there is the Dude Perfect Madden Stereotypes. Madden is a video game. Its suits well to this part.

June 21, 2017 11:00 am

Ash: First game is... MARVEL VS. CAPCOM!!!
Therese: Of all games
Ash: Ran out of ideas
Lillian: Street Fighter?
Chloe: Sounds good to me
Ash: Street Fighter it is

Rules and Regulations
We will all play 4 games:

One fighting game- Street Fighter
One basketball game- NBA 2K17 (one on one)
One racing game- Mario Kart 8 (versus)
One endless game- Marvel Spider-man Unlimited

A player gets points every time that player wins
The highest score is 25
1st place will go to the player with the most number of points
6th place will go to the player with the least number of points
We will choose a partner to play with for the first 3 rounds
Vision will be the scorer and Computer will be the judge

We prepared the console and plugged it to Computer and got ready.

Ash: Nick, I'll battle you
Nick: Get ready to lose
Lillian: Oh, I wanted to battle Ash. I wanna see how bad she is
Ash: What the heck guys!!! Ok Lily I'll battle you
Nick: How about me???
Ash: After

My partner was Lily. Nick was partnered with Rese. Chloe and Seven are partners.
Lily and I were the first to battle. I first blocked the attacks Lily gave then I attacked her. I had enough power to give a special attack so I used it. It dealt so much damage to her health, half of it was gone.

Lillian: What!?!?
Ash: Told ya I'm going to win 1st
Nick: Ha! You'll lose to me
Ash: Says the one who lost to me in Capcom v Marvel
Nick: That was a warm up
Ash: Blah, blah, blah, I am very fascinated by your excuses
Nick: They're not excuses!!
Ash: A bolole blobo
Nick: Whatever Yondu
Ash: Heh

After a second Lily lost. I had 3/4 health left. Easy. Nick and Therese just finished battling. Nick won.

Ash: YEAH!!! I'M A PRO!
Nick: My turn
Ash: Sure thing Gru
Nick: Grr
Ash: There's a sticker in Messenger you know
Nick: I know that sticker. I downloaded it
Ash: What's your goal here? Do everything I do?
Nick: Well at least my goal here isn't to get everyone to hate me

Nick and I blocked at the start. No one opened up.

Ash: Open up will you!!!
Nick: You open up!
Ash: Fine

I opened up and hit him over and over and over. He still won't open up. I didn't do anything so that he would just hit me. He hit me but I got to block the attacks. Then I pressed random buttons as a combo. He didn't get to block them. Then I used a special move he had 1/4 health left.

Nick: My turn
Ash: Is that the only line you know in all the movies you watched!?
Nick: No
Ash: Then why aren't you using them???
Nick: It ain't a good time
Ash: Change it a bit like what I do
Nick: Has to be original
Ash: Blah, blah, blah
Nick: Eat this!!!
Ash: You have to work on your lines Nick

He gave me a special I blocked, after it happened. I had 1/8 health left.

Ash: You, wha???
Nick: See ya in last place
Ash: No way I'm losing to a loser
Nick: You take that back!!!
Ash: Boss, you lost 3 times remember

I just hit him with light attacks and when he fell back a bit I use a heavy. Nick then hit me with a heavy. My health bar looked like it was empty. I used my last special on him. He didn't get to block it. Then I  used a heavy attack on him. He surprisingly got K.O.ed

Nick and Ash: Whaaa???
Lillian, Therese, Maine, Chloe: How!?!?!?!?
Ash: I don't know!
Nick: Impossible!
Ash: Nick, use "Immortal, how?"
Nick: I don't want to be Ronan
Ash: Its better than "My turn"
Chloe: True
Ash: Who's next to lose?
Maine: Ash: You'll nev-
Ash: I know, I know you'll never know
Maine: So stop
Ash: Can't keep that. Pretty sure I'll break it
Maine: Try
Ash: I'll try
Maine: Good
Ash: I think I'll battle you next
Maine: Ok

It was Sev's and Chloe's turn. Lily and Rese battled at the same time. Maine won against Chloe. Lily lost to Rese.

Ash: Good luck
Maine: You too

We battled after about 5 minutes she lost.

Maine: Congrats!
Ash: Thanks
Nick: Wow, mood swing
Ash: Listened to Father and Son when I went here
Nick: Guess you have a soft part
Ash: Well, I'm like Rocket you know
Nick: Huh
Lillian: Dude, you were trash talking earlier!
Ash: Hey! I do what I want!

Scores of 1st battle
Ash: 5
Nick: 4
Therese: 3
Maine: 2
Lily: 0
Chloe: 1

(Not all battles were shown)

Ash: Next battle is... NBA2K17 ONE ON ONE!!!
Lillian: Basketball?
Ash: What? It was Finals a couple of days ago!
Maine: There are other sports you know
Ash: I know basketball better
Nick: Well, we all know well how it works right?
Chloe: Yeah. So basketball?
Therese: Lets just finish this

I battled Nick first since everyone wants us to battle. I shot some 3's and dunk some and won. It was a 15 point lead.

Nick: Ash, your good at everything
Ash: Yes I am Dave Bautista now hold this arrow
Nick: There's no arrows here
Ash: Whatever all I know is that you used another line
Nick: That didn't came from a movie

Scores of the 2nd game  (With the total points at the right. Numbers at the left are the points for the 1st battle. Number at the middle is the 2nd game score)

Ash: 5, 5= 10
Nick: 4, 4= 8
Therese: 3, 2= 5
Maine: 2, 1= 3
Lily: 0, 3= 3
Chloe: 1, 0= 1

(Not all battles were shown)

Ash: Next battle is... MARIO KART 8 VERSUS!!!
Therese and Lillian: RACING!!!
Nick: You'll all lose to me. I have a license
Ash: Ok I swear I said car and drove billions of times. THAT MEANS I ALSO HAVE A LEASE!!!
Chloe: Aren't you too young to have a licence?
Maine: Lol! I remember Phineas and Ferb
Ash, Therese, Lillian: Lol! Yeah
Ash: Agent Pits's got it
Lillian: Who's Agent Pit?
Ash: Oh, I was talking about Agent Pitstop
Lillian: Oh, that

Nick and I battled first, again. I won, again. I played it like it was Asphalt, bumping the other cars. It worked differently there though.

Nick: Ash, this isn't Asphalt!
Ash: That's how I play Asphalt
Nick: Ash, this is Mario Kart not Asphalt
Ash: Shouldn't have played Asphalt instead
Lillian: You chose Mario Kart
Ash: Your. Making. Me. Kick up. The. Grass!!!
Maine and Therese: Therese not grass here
Ash: Line!
Lillian: You say it like Steve saying "Language"
Ash: That is true!
Therese: I'll cut you off there
Ash: Yeah you will

Scores  (First game scores, left most. Second game scores, beside first game scores. Third game scores, second to the last number on the right. Total score, last number)

Ash: 5, 5, 5= 15
Nick: 4, 4, 4= 12
Therese: 3, 2, 1= 6
Maine: 2, 1, 0= 3
Lily: 0, 3, 2= 5
Chloe: 1, 0, 3= 4

(Not all battles were shown)

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