Chapter 7: The Hunt

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They tied us up. We didn't fight back cuz they just tied us up with ropes that break easily.

Lillian: How'd ya know that Krag is Kraglin and Taserface is Taserface?
Ash: Cuz of Jeff
Therese: There's lots of Jeff's you know
Ash: And the Krag
Lillian: Could be his real name not nickname
Ash: Watched the Comic-con of GotGVol2. Taserface said Jeff tons of times cuz he was irritating to him. Our Taserface gets irritated with our Jeff.
Lillian: Wow. Hardcore knowledge
Therese: Yup
Taserface: Your making me sleep
Ash: Ok we'll entertain you. So I'll tell everyone how you taught of Taserface as your name. You woke up and went to the mirror and said "Hm, I need a name that's intimidating and will strike the hearts of those who hate me.... I know! How about Taserface!!!! I also need to make my face look like his. Nah, it takes to much time. Maybe I can upgrade him! Nah I'll stick to the original"
Jeff, Kraglin, Lillian, Therese: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
Ash: Hahaha! Even Jeff and Krag laughed. Hahahahahaha!!!
Taserface: Betrayers!!!
Jeff: Sorry boss can't help it. It's ridiculously funny!!!
Taserface: Kraglin! Hurry up will you so I can kill them as soon as we get there!
Kraglin: Its traffic can't do anything
Taserface: I HATE YOU ALL!!!
Ash: Since you want to live up to his name then you should die when your vehicle is gonna blow cuz it's on fire!
Jeff, Kraglin, Lillian, Therese: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
Ash: And someone, aka the one on my right (Lily), should start the fire
Lillian: Yeah! I don't have an arrow that goes on fire and I control its move by whistling
Ash: We can improvise
Jeff, Kraglin, Therese: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

While all of us, except for Taserface, were having a good time Nick and the others were......


Chloe and Seven came. I told them what was happening.

Therese: Hahahahaha!!!!
Maine: They seem to have a good time
Nick: Thanks to Ash
Taserface: Grrrr.... That's it! Jeff tie them up!
Chloe: Uh-oh
Nick: Great, you guys go now
Lillian: How'd ya know that Krag is Kraglin and Taserface is Taserface?
Nick: Wait, stay here
Ash: Cuz of Jeff
Nick: They're fine
Maine: *gives a sigh of relief* thank goodness
Chloe: And we just hang

I tracked them down. They're represented by the dot

Nick: Let's try to think where they're heading
Maine: This is tough

Back to Taserface and jokes


All of them were sleeping. Except for Kraglin, who was in the wheel. I remembered to put the tracking devices on all of them. I threw one to Taserface and it sticked on him. I threw the other one to Jeff and it sticked again. I didn't put the devise on Krag yet since he might feel it and tell the others that we were gonna track them. Even though we were tied up, we can still do anything. They were so bad at tying we can be free. We didn't free ourselves since Krag was watching and we don't want to. Kraglin didn't see me throw the trackers since he was busy looking at the road.

After centuries of waiting....

Kraglin: We're here!
Taserface: AHHH!!!
Jeff: AHHHH!!! What happened!?
Ash: Huh?
Lillian: Whats happening?
Therese: 5 more minutes!
Kraglin: Captain, were here
Taserface: Oh

We all fell asleep since it was a long boring ride. Taserface got up and took the rope that we were tied on.

Taserface: Come on!
Ash: Take it easy! We all just woke up

Then he took us in a building. There was a realy, really old door there. It looked like a door that has been there ever since the stone age!

Taserface: Boss! I got them!
???: Good

Then the door opened.

Ash's thoughts about the door:
Old is the new new!
Prehistoric door with a mix of the future!

Lesson that can be learned:
Looks can be deceiving

We went in. Everything looked like it has been there before the start of time. But it could be futuristic like the door. He lead us in a room that was dark (it's starting to be the usual room for the bosses) (wanna know what I mean? Read Odd Agents, my first book) Taserface turned on the lights.

???: Good job Taserface

Then Taserface pushed us to the ground and removed the rope. I couldn't see their bosses face since it was covered with a shadow

???: Did all you children bring your agent I.D card?
Ash: Dude, were not kindergarten
???: You look like
Ash: I what!?

It tried to hit him but Krag and Jeff got me and threw me to the ground again.

???: If you have it, give them all to me
Ash: Blah, blah, donno what your talking about
???: Take it

Taserface and the rest of his gang got our cards like they knew that its always there. Then they gave it to their boss.

???: Don't try to lie to us Ash
Ash: How'd you know...
Lillian: You guys know each other?
???: We don't Lillian
Therese: This is getting creepy and weird
???: Not much Therese
Ash: Well to me its getting boring and lame. We get it, you know us and we don't know you
???: You are correct

Then he went out of the shadow.

Ash: You...

Odd Agents Vol. 2 [includes Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 review]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang