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Dear Naruto,

I didn't receive news from you but instead, Kiba.

He told me that he did start a fight with you yesterday and he wanted to apologize. You came late though so he didn't he to at that time.

He also told me the reason why he had tried to fight you and why he had been so distant and angry for the past days.

It's because he likes me...

I didn't really know what to think. I didn't really know why he would like me and I was too focused on other things. One of these things were if you were alright. Of course, you seemed fine but I didn't want you to be hurt at all.

Is it bad that I worry so much for you?

Throughout the day, Kiba would try to approach you but didn't. Finally at lunch he did and you seemed kind of shocked. He apologized and everyone was in confusion.

You guys made up and got along so that's good. You aren't the type of person to hold grudges anyways... I'm glad you didn't get too mad with him.

After school, you said we should meet up by the trees. I agreed wondering what you had planned this time, but you said it was important.

Now all I have to do is wait for the bell to ring so I can find out what you need to tell me.

Kind of anxious, Hinata

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