Chapter Four.

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Bradley's P.O.V.

I couldn't stand being around her without touching her anymore. I kissed her, her lips were just like I left them. So soft and tender. Anyone would be lucky to have her and I was so fucking lucky. Being Bradley around her even pisses me off I am Dallas but to her I'm dead. Litereally.

"What are you thinking about now?" Nathan asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Just back off of her man. If you are or ever were my friend you would do that for me." I breathed out and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"And why should I do that? She's fucking hot wouldn't mind doing that ass." He smirked and I rolled my eyes and bit my tounge.

His phone started to ring, "I'm kidding. Speaking of the devil and she shall apear. Hello?"

"Yes he's right here... You want to talk to him?... Alright." He spoke into the phone and handed it to me slowly.

"Hello Aspen." I breathed out and heard her sniffle.

"Bradley I need you. Right now." She cried out and I could barely understand her.

"Darling breathe and tell me where you are." I spoke softly and hoped she would listen to me.

She took a few short and long breathes and sighed. She told me she was at a gas station by a fancy restaurant. I knew where she was exactly. I hung up with her and gave Nathan his phone back. I got into my car and headed to were she was. I pulled up and saw her sitting at one of the few tables drinking a cherry coke. She looked awful yet so damn beautiful.

"Hello darling." I said sitting next to her and she jumped a little bit.

She didn't say anything she just hugged me. Her head in my chest and arms around me. I sighed slightly and kissed her head. I missed her so much I needed her. Yet I knew this was a risky and stupid idea.

"What happened?" I asked and she sat back up.

"My friend called me a slut and blamed my exs death on me." She sighed and tried to look at me.

"You are not a slut. I know we just meet but I know you are not a slut. I also bet that your exs death wasn't your fault." I spoke slowly and calmly making sure she didn't look at my face.

"Bradley. Why won't you let me see your face?" She asked and my heart began to race.

"Because if you did you would never forgive me." I sighed and looked even farther away from her.

"What do you mean?" She questioned and I could feel her glare into my back.

"It's getting late. I'll drop you at Nathan's." I sighed and hoped he would be good to her.

"But I want to go with you." I heard her whisper and sigh yet she folllowed me.

I drove a silent car ride to Nathan's. I walked her to the door and allowed her inside. Then without saying anything I left. I didn't want to hurt her anymore then I already have. I need to be a lot more careful around her.

Aspen's P.O.V.

I can't believe that just happened. I was so close to seeing him and he wouldn't let me. I need to know what he ment by I would never forgive him. I don't even know him so what could he have done.

"Where's Bradley?" I heard Max's voice behind me.

"He left." I reply and he looks at me weird.

"Why would he leave? He lives here too." He askes and I shrug.

"Do you have a picture of him?" I ask and he nods.

"You haven't seen his face?" He asked and I nodded no.

At that point in time his phone went off when he was looking for a picture and he put his phone away. I looked at him weirdly and he shrugged.

"I couldn't find one." I nodded and went and sat in the kitchen.

"Aspen?" I hear Nate ask and I look at him.

"What?" I ask back and he shakes his head.

"Just curious but why are you in my house at like two?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Friends are dicks and Bradley dropped me here." I shrugged and put air quotes around friends.

"He left?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Yes he left and she knows he lives here." Max spoke up and I nodded at him.

"You hungry?" Nate asks and both Max and I nod our heads yes.

"I could go for some mac and cheese." I smile and Nate nods.

"Anything for the beautiful girl." He says and Max clears his thraot.

"What about me?" He asks and I giggle slightly.

"And for the gorgeous boy." Nate winks at Max and he rolls his eyes.

"You guys are weird. I like it. You two are now my bestfriends." I announce.

"Ouch Nate we just got friend zoned." Max said holding his heart.

"The pain." Nate yells and we all laugh slightly.

"So who else lives here?" I asked.

"Just me, Nate, and Bradley." Max answered and smiled.

"I see." I smiled back and layed my head on his shoulder.

"It's almost done do not fall asleep or this cheesy goodness is all mine." Nate declares and I roll my eyes.

"I'm up jeez." I groan and sit up.

"Someone's hangry." Max says and I slap his arm.

"I am not." I whine and he puts his arm around me.

"Dinner is served." Nate said giving us each a bowl.

I ate and was slowly starting to fall asleep. I heard the boys talk but I am not sure what they were saying. Soon I felt two arms around me caring me to an unknown place.

Authors note.

Hey baby turtles. Its me. Well this chapter is shorter then the others but its fine. I rewrote it like seven times so enjoy. Vote comment etc. Ps sorry for errors.

Qotc. What's your favorite color? Mine's blue.


Little Did You Know.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora