Chapter Nine

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Took a break. Now I'm back! Here we go!
      Christmas rollers around before anyone really took notice. Having done shopping prior to the incident no one had to worry about not giving anyone a gift.

     Sirius had gotten everyone a personalized feather that could act as a communication device and a quick, silent, and easy portkey if anyone should need it. Draco's was blue with silver highlights, a joke on him being a Ravenclaw Harry assumed. What he didn't know was that Draco's favorite color was indeed blue, so the feather pleased him greatly.
       James and Harry both got red feathers, Harry's being a darker more crimson shade to James' apple red but red all the same. Harry's had a light silver highlight like Draco's while James' had a black highlight.
      Remus' feather was gray, with a bright yellowish orange highlight, the color reminded everyone of Remus' werewolf form. It resembled the man to a point and seemed to bring him close to tears in result. Sirius had to basically claw himself away when Remus jumped on the man and pulled him into a tight and constricting hug.
      Regulus' was black, Sirius snickered that it reminded him of his brothers soul, but what made up for it was the angelic white that encased the black, it wasn't highlighted like the others, no the white seemed to follow the black as if purifying everything it's friend ruined.
       Sirius' feather was a basic combination of all of the others. It had several strips each resembling the feather of another.
       "It's to always remind me of all of you." Sirius had said. It was so out of character that Draco just had to chuck the present at his adopted brothers face when he passed out his. He had to make sure his brother was still himself and not some soul stealing replacement that was nicer. Sirius had retaliated by locking Draco into a headlock and messing with the boys hair.

      Remus had given everyone journals. These were all private and could only be read by the person who owned it or anyone that person chose. Sirius had his immediately confiscated when he wrote down something Remus would not have approved of and showed it to everyone but the werewolf. Draco, being the Saint he is, ratted Sirius out. Sirius vowed revenge, and Draco was smug the rest of the night.

      Regulus gave the boys his personal spell book for future trouble and while they were excitedly flipping through it he 'secretly' handed the adults their presents. Draco caught what they were out of the corner of his eye, and he was somewhat impressed that Regulus was either that brave or that stupid to have Remus porn in front of children that he so adored. Sirius and James seemed pleased though.

     James and Harry teamed up, and got presents together. Everyone got a custom hoodie, each having a personalized saying.
      James and Harry had somewhat matching ones, by matching, their sayings go together and the colors were both Gryffindor red. Harry's saying 'I'm really the adult in the family.' James' saying 'Don't listen to the boy he still can't ground me!'
     Sirius and Regulus also had a matching theme, both hoodies being a pale black with white letters. Sirius' saying 'Tall, Dark, Handsome. Everything attractive in someone you wanna hex!' Regulus' saying 'I was once a sane member of society. Then, my brother got me now I'm like him!' No one really mentioned how much both rang true about the Black brothers. Draco assumed they had these made for that fact.
      The matching pair seemed to stop at Remus and Draco though. Draco's was gray with bold black letters that said. 'Don't trust me. I look like a bookworm, will actually be plotting deaths.' Harry only snickered and replied that this was in fact true. Anyone who extremely annoyed Draco, Sirius and Regulus included, their death was plotted in the more horrifying ways possible. Draco had told Harry this and even given examples, and while he shivered and slept with one eye open and major security charms on his bed for a week, he had to admit that they were creative. Harry left out the part where he had also been extremely nice to Draco for that week before he was firmly told that if he didn't go back to being the blond's partner in crime his death would be planned.
      Remus' hoodie was pale blue with golden letters stating 'I have to babysit three adults and two kids, good thing I can leave the kids alone for awhile.'

      Draco decided to go the sentimental route with Sirius and gave everyone a memory book with pictures of everyone, including past Marauders pictures with Peter, saying he had the original in his room and thought everyone should get a copy. It was then that he admitted that every moment with his family was precious to him, even without being directly related, or related at all, they grew on him.
      "You know for crazy Freaks!" He huffed turned and facing the wall away from everyone with tears in their eyes. It was then that Harry had the idea to forge the books so that when someone put a picture in one of them then it would copy to all of them. They then took a group picture together and stuck it in Remus' book.

      Everyone ignored the small pile of unopened presents in the corner that would be sent to St. Mungo's despite the current situation with the person receiving them possibly not being able to recognize who the gifts were from.

      Back at Hogwarts a certain Headmaster had just realized that the stone was missing and became extremely alert. He didn't know how someone had gotten down there without his knowing and was a current mix of bemused and worried. Though he kept up appearances and planted the Mirror of Erised like he planned and walked out. He passed both Quirrel and Snape on the way back to his office, both had been in different hallways entirely. He supplied to both of them that the artifact was now safe thanks to everyone's contribution.

     He didn't miss the fact that Severus' eyes became hooded at the mention of helping stop a future theft and how Quirrel lit up with practically too much amount of glee for it to be possibly normal. Albus wondered if their reactions had something to do with the other but ignored the theory as soon as it popped up. His job was done, maybe for him if the note saying 'it's safer now!' That has in the room had anything to go by. Though Albus did know for sure that his job of stirring up drama for the Boy-Who-Lived was far from over. He still had seven years after all.
To explain my break Yesterday, I was tired, and had writers block for that day, still do somewhat. What I do to get over writers block though is to say 'Get over it and write!' Then I ignore any ideas that pop up and start typing so yeah.


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