Chapter Four

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The next day classes started and the boys had almost no classes together. Everyone knew that despite the hatred that burned between the two houses Gryffindor and Slytherin shared a lot of classes together. Draco thought that Dumbledore did this to have a laugh. Harry believed it was because Godric and Salazar (is that how you spell their names?) secretly thought their houses would get along best, or they were lovers.

Fortunately the two had potions and charms together. So it was during potions that something unfortunate decided to take it upon itself to happen.

"Mr. Potter, please pay attention!" Snape called from the front of the classroom where he had literately done nothing but glare at his class.

"How am I to pay attention when you have said nothing at all?" Harry remarked.

"I believe professor that you are singling out Harry because he is James' son" Draco decided that he should put his two cents in before they ended up killing each other and forcing the marauders to return to Hogwarts.

"Mr. Black, I don't recall asking you anything." Snape turned and glared at Draco.

"No Professor, you did not. However it seemed more appropriate than you not even teaching your class. So to make you seem competent I answered a question." The room went even more silent at that; everyone till now having been whispering to each other, trying not to get caught.

"Mr. Black I believe that I am a competent Professor. At least well enough to receive this job."

It was then that Draco may have decided to do something stupid, but as if they were on the same mind-link Harry beat him to it.

"Professor. I don't recall him asking you anything."

"Detention. On our first day. Harry how?" Asked Ron, a red haired Gryffindor that Harry had met on the train. Harry only grinned at him and shrugged before turning back and facing forward. Watching with amusement at the liveliness of the Gryffindor common room.

"Yes, why did you do it anyhow? You had no reason to help the Ravenclaw even if he did take the attention off of you for a moment." Chided Hermione, another Gryffindor that Harry had met on the train. This one female, and with curly, bushy hair.

"Eh," he shrugged watching the fire "Me and Draco.... Draco and I" he amended seeing the girl's glare. "We practically share the same family. I've been dying to meet him, but until this year haven't got a chance to. So felt like it's only natural."

"How do you 'share a family' and never meet someone?" Ron's face scrunched up trying to decipher his own question.

"He was raised by my Uncle Sirius and his brother Regulus. Sirius is my dad's best friend. So yeah, practically family." Hermione at this seemed to looked even more confused. Harry had a feeling that he would hate her next question before it even came out of the girls mouth.

"What about his parents?" Yep, hated the question. Even Ron managed to look uncomfortable. It wasn't something people who grew up in the Wizarding World talked about. Kinda like a taboo thing, like with what happened to Peter.

"We don't talk about his parents Hermione. It's taboo, your not from this world, so it's only fair you don't know since no one has talked about it in public for years, but please don't ask again." Harry's voice remained neutral somehow. Sirius loved his cousin, more then the others probably. He knew what her death did to him, he had lost one of the only family that practically understood him.

If anything Hermione's curiosity only seemed fueled, but she didn't press. Harry stared at her from the corner of his eye, she was going to do something he knew it.

"Black." A female voice practically commanded attention from the blond boy grabbed the attention of both the boys who were in a secluded part of the library trying to study till now. And yes, Harry was right. He hated when he was right sometimes. Normally with his father, but still hated it.

"Yes....Granger?" Draco raised a eyebrow towards the girl seeming almost amused when Harry stiffened at hearing her voice. He bookmarked the page he was on and shut the book he was reading, folding his arms on top in a careful fashion. "How may I help you?"

"Why do you live with Harry's uncle?" Granger placed her hands on her hips. If it was supposed to be intimidating, it didn't work on the eleven-year-old.

"Because my parents are dead." Draco stated voice going cold. He had never met his parents, much like Harry didn't have any memories of his mom. He'd been told that as soon as he was born they gave him to a house elf. Not the best parenting, but they died a year later so.....

"What happened to them?" Harry couldn't believe it Hermione had the audacity to sit down as if he would allow her to stay any longer.

"Granger. I'm sure you mean well. Though probably not since Harry probably told you the topic was a bit taboo in this world. However I assure you that, that incident is a bit out of your clearance level." Draco emphasized the word with venom lacing his voice making Harry flinch a little.

Harry had first hand witnessed what a truly angry Black could do. Being raised by two of them, even though being born a Malfoy, did nothing to help the matter.

"Hermione," Harry hissed "drop it."

It truly looked like she wouldn't. Like she would press until she got the answers this stupid little girl believe she deserved, but seeing Harry's pleading face quickly dissolved any of her follow up questions.

"Good girl," Draco stated danger lacing the words like a snake. "We would want to get hurt now would we?" With that he stood up and left the library, leaving the two Gryffindors alone at the table. Taking the book of dark spells with him. Harry had no idea where he got it from, probably from home seeing as the Blacks were all dark wizards. Sirius being no exception. He always said 'Where the fun in following the rules, when you can be a dark wizard and have a reason to break every single one.'

"Hermione, I wouldn't approach Draco again. At least not until you're not at risk of getting yourself killed."

"Harry be serious he's a first year like the rest of us. Him being a Ravenclaw doesn't mean he knows how to kill me." She almost sounded like she absolutely knew this for a fact.

Harry took great joy in wiping the look of confidence off her face. "No but being a Black does." With that he followed the blond out of the library; just to make sure that he didn't maim any students on the way to his common room.
This is shorter than normal, but I'll write two chapters today because I have a test tomorrow and I don't believe I'll have time to work on it when I get back.

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